
Finally! Congress and the Senate working together (in opposition) because of Trump!

I don’t like McCain’s politics but at least he is an “adult” in the GOP party. When he told the old lady that Obama was not a terrorist, etc..... I had respect for McCain when many of the GOP were swept up in the Obama birtherism, including his running mate Sarah “Know Nothing and I’m proud of it” Palin

I think you hit it on the head...... “educated”

We don’t know because we’ve never had such a meglomaniac in recent American history. He thinks being POTUS means he can do whatever he wants.

Maybe 100% of the 35-40% of the GOP base will vote for Trump.

In the Fox News world everything bad is not the fault of the GOP.

totally agree

I’m a centrist....

You obviously have some hatred for Hillary Clinton by watching too much Fox News or right wing radio.

Trump is the most impractical politician since Sarah Palin. His comments about deporting 11+ million illegal aliens is absolutely nuts. I believe it took over 100+ Federal Agents to deport the 4-5 year old Elian Gonzales (can’t remember the spelling), how is going to deport the 11+ million illegal aliens? He would

So basically you are saying Trump is lying to win the election. Why does that make him different then any other politician?

I’m not a Hillary fan but she is materially different then Trump, she has not called for torture, bombing innocent people, knows the what the nuclear TRIAD and has been very involved in politics, outwardly an ego maniac.

Please ...Benghazi is only a concern for people watching too much Fox News. If you look at all the over seas US officials killed overseas under various Presidents, this is not news. Go do some research on how many has died under Bush. How long has the supposed “inquiry” been going on for Benghazi and even the