“Yeah, no, I’d rather not have potheads building my subs.”
“Yeah, no, I’d rather not have potheads building my subs.”
In unrelated news, Murthel Groenhart has been named an honorary Turkish citizen.
I know software engineers making $150k+ a year who are brilliant, super hard working high achievers and they smoke dope.
1. Because a single ship can’t be everywhere at once. You also have to account for ships being deployed, in docks (ie. repairs and maintenance) and non-combat purposes (ie. training).
Wait...are you suggesting that despite there not having been a major naval battle in more than a half century that multi-billion dollar submarines aren’t a good use of money? Lunacy my friend! Lunacy!
We no longer get articles that ask such questions, since we’ve cut education and the arts in favor of military spending. Eastasia isn’t going to defeat itself, after all.
I live near a sub base and know lots of people that work for the Navy and private contactors building and refurbishing boats and subs. We will never be able to maintain the workforce needed if the DoD doesn’t relax it’s rules on drug testing for marijuana and change the focus on your credit score/banking habits. 2…
I don’t know that this article establishes clearly:
KD is the scariest player of all time.
Too late, I already don’t give a shit about Wyoming.
Hillary Clinton: 65,853,516 votes
Donald Trump: 62, 984, 825 votes
“Equally” represented by the electoral college.
The facts that the Democrats (and especially Hillary) are terrible at getting elected, and Team Trump dirty dancing with Ivan are not mutually exclusive.
I wonder who shows up first:
1. The sense of suicide is to die, the sense of the TT is to race on this legendary course.
May he ride eternal, shiny and chrome.
And here’s the wrong way...
I work for a large tech company, and we’re rightly trying to be aggressive in promoting our field in local schools and various under-represented communities. Having more people from all walks of life having the opportunity to become high performers in tech is a win for America as a whole,
77.1% of Americans are white. By these numbers, Uber is clearly discriminating against Caucasians.
The only possible way of damaging a fuel pump when racing is repeatedly racing with very little fuel in the tank. This prolonged use with little cooling can theoretically can stress the pump from heat. Of course the same habit in street use would cook it just the same. Fuel pumps are on or off. What the engine does…
But it’s non-profit...so they can’t profit off it...and there is no way that those people running it wouldn’t just increase their salaries so that there was no profit. I mean, that wouldn’t be right, right?