
I’ve had guinea pig roasted on a spit in the mountains of Ecuador... and it’s freaking legit.

Damn now I want grilled guinea pig for lunch.

As someone who grew up in West Virginia...”Why is this a story?”

You say “one of their five hits” like that’s a bad thing to have “only” five hits. That’s not too shabby really. How many hits do YOU have?

Love LeBron, but don’t get all the hype about the minutes he’s played. Bird played huge minutes in his career and playoffs, and others did as well. Saying LeBron has already played more minutes than Bird in his career is also foolish considering they both played 12 seasons and Bird was 35 in his 12th season and LeBron

Well, he's certainly the most marketed player in the world.

What does “best player in the world” even mean? As much as “I tried my best” or “I had good intentions” is a solid measuring stick when competing with yourself - when you’re setting up a legacy as an all-time great, even a superhuman effort doesn’t mean much when it doesn’t bring home the wins.

EPO, HGH, or a combination of both?

I would go

That hairplug medicine is seeping into his brain.

Yeah, it sure seems like Mosgov could have contributed enough offense to spell LeBron for a couple of minutes every so often (not let him sit, but at least let someone else shoulder the load).

Serious question, I was just a kid who got all his news from sportscenter, and all my opinions were based off of a bandwagon mentality. But, did people dislike Jordan more or less than people dislike LeBron?

That better hairline has to do with the confidence.

I guess he was using a crown because LeBron is “the king”? It’s a shame Ron Artest doesn’t play anymore so someone could use fist emojis for his.

Hey remember when he was skinny and not playing well prior to his 2 week Miami vacation? Strange how he's now a physical specimen again, simply must be his greatness.....

“I feel confident because I’m the best player in the world. It’s that simple.”

Assuming each pitch is an out.

Or............. Lebron could just, oh I don’t know, not flop himself onto the ground every time someone breathes on him. The play in question where Lebron hit his head on the camera was an obvious flop and the NBA doesn’t have the cojones to call him out for it.

Watch who you call Guy, buddy.

Reports out of Alouettes training camp say that Michael Sam was having a hard time adjusting to his role in the 12-man CFL defensive scheme, where teams generally employ a fifth defensive back.