
The “we planned this a week ago before the sale even started” angle doesn’t hold any water whatsoever to me, simply because the entire world already knew the actual sale start dates well in advance thanks to the leak from a Russian website back before the end of May close to two weeks ago now.

I for one have always wondered what a personality-driven basketball website run by a person with no personality would look like.

But I bet most of them still have better taste in music and fashion than you do.

I don’t know...the talking part has me leaning no, but a non-talking robot? I’m in.

Knockin reboots.

I would love to hear this thing have phone sex with Stephen Hawking

It talks? No thanks, then.

You had me until “Talking.”

There was no yes option, so I’m just gonna mash my junk against the monitor.

Are you kidding? You should have seen the inanimate objects we banged during puberty.

Abstaining from poll for lack of appropriate response.

Does the pope shit in the woods?

Shouldn’t this one be on Inadequate Man?

The respondents to this survey will be easily divided into two categories: “Yes Votes” and “Liars.”

Absolutely disgusting. The NBA and ABC should be ashamed for exposing their audience to that disgusting, pitiful, wrinkled excuse for a penis, and on national television no less. But enough about Joey Crawford, lets talk about this LeBron thing too.

Lebron’s manhood is stuck in the same place as miserable commenters: in the grays.

Glad I flipped it on in time to catch the tip

Well we know one guy who didn’t break out of prison recently.

Looks like the Cavs are coming up short.