
You got me!

Take your own advice

Who is Bill Simmons, and why is he so important?

Dude learn to read.

No dude im not saying that. They usually quit when it doesnt work thats the only connection im making.

They typically go hand in hand, in my experience

Whatever you say man.

Yes it does have relevence, spamming moves.

Spamming the same move is no class gaming in my opinion. I play scubs all the time in Madden that do play action hail mary’s until 1 connects. And if i doesnt then they quit. Its a waste of my time and i do find it disrespectful.

Ok, two things, for one I would sell my dog for 500 unless it knew a cool trick, then 1000. 2nd I have personally witnessed somone accidently shoot a bullet out of their mouth. We were like 2 ft away from each other. Suprised neither of us died

POS, but like Chris Brown just give it a year and he will be good.

If a Great Dane says it is a Chihuahua, it is still a Great Dane.

“Nobody is right, if everyone is wrong”

I like that song. Seems to be the least favorite off that album though

Wacky backy

I know there is strains with the word bread in it.

I dont know where you heard it prevents injury, because I have read the exact opposite.

You answeres the qyestion yourself. It’s a promotional video.

Eat your eggs whole people!!!!

I think the brain head was probably my favorite.