
Big head cheat code.

I went to a basketball game and was suprised when a domestic abuser got introduced people just got silent, I booed his ass.

28. Steroid guy. Thats all i got.

No alcohol! Throw me in jail. I would rather just do my time than be on parole/probation.

To me NCAA seems like less, I dont know the numbers but, you also gotta realize ncaa game is shorter and it has only has 1 half to stop, where nba has 3 quarters you have to sit through

“Ooooooooo points! This is so entertaining!”

Yea, every sport is beyond bad, at least college bball is a smaller gametime.

I must be in the minority, but I prefer it. It seems like there is much less flopping and much less interuptions than NBA.

Yea it was jacked up for me too. At least i got to see the thumb dance at the end though

Obviously, you didn’t.

And they showed the replay too, but it was like the did it on accident. As soon as his foot stepped out of bounds they cut the replay.

Yea I watched it.

I dont even follow college ball closely, could care less. That game was rigged.

More fixed than WWE

Did anyone else see when CBS accidently showed video under the hoop where the duke guy steppednout of bounds with the ball?

I like this live version better than studio version.

How are they expected to pass this test? They never learned how to study in college.

Cleveland, we’re not Detroit!


I buy huge bags telling myself "this is only a snack". Always done in one sitting.