
If you recall back to the Kavanaugh hearing/shit show, Klobuchar was the one that got him to show that aside from the credible accusations of sexual assault, Kavanaugh didn’t have the bearing or temperament to hand out basketballs at the ‘Y’. This was right before ‘Ol Lindsay caught a big case of the vapors and took

Try to keep up, please?

She’s got a solid shot, though not rejecting PAC money will be a big problem as the primaries grow closer (primary voters are going to be more hardcore on this than gen’l electorate). A LOT of people are starting to get freaked out about the “S-word” (socialism), so not being connected to that is somewhat of an asset

It’s not just that Trump thinks he’s dunking on Warren with the whole skoolyard name-calling. It’s that he doesn’t give a fuck that it’s a massive racist insult to every Native person. Just like his Jackson fetish.

I finally figured out who this guy looks like.

I realized it was over after his Charlottesville comments.

It’s just exhausting. If you have trump fans in your inner circle (family/friends, co-workers, etc.) let them know that their continued support is not cool. 

There’s no bottom to this particular barrel. 

Was there ever any doubt?

It’s like hell’s version of Johnny Carson and Ed McMahon.

This is just Stephen Miller’s speed, though. 

Goddamn this country has a lot of racist cruel bastards.

The new MAGA logic is “since Warren isn’t a real Native American, the comment isn’t offensive.”  I’ve been seeing it all morning long in Rob Lowe discussions.

this guy sucks forever ass.

Gotta love people who seem to know that only centrism can win when there’s a bunch of conflicting evidence and no one knows because there’s not even been enough time to get a reliable poll of CURRENT candidates in the CURRENT environment running against the CURRENT president who - spoiler alert - beat a centrist in

So, so disagree. The American people, even those who voted for Trump, have finally figured out that they are being screwed over by corporations and the wealthy, and Elizabeth Warren is the only candidate so far who has actually come out and said this.

Having just come through customs, all I can say is, I dream of a day we have less authoritarian freakazoids policing our borders. I met so many wonderful people on my flight home, and as soon we landed, the plane was searched by authorities, and everyone on the plane looked terrified. This didn’t happen once when I

It’s good to see the Republican Party properly identified.