
Love the laughter from the gallery when he pulled that shit! What a chickenshit.

If America were an actual meritocracy, none of these people—Schultz, Steyer, Trump—would have a net worth exceeding five figures.

Trump is exactly that petulant, AND he is also stupid enough to think that he can go up against the richest guy in the world and win.

It’d be the most American thing EVER.

Whenever I see things like this I wonder what is happening behind the scenes in DC. This feels like a distraction, is Jared or someone else about to be arrested?

I heard last night that since posting his blog, numerous other famous people reached out to Bezos to say they had similar things happen to them from AMI. I think this runs deep and lots of folks are going to jail.

This is cruel. I care. I care a lot. Nobody’s child should have to see their mother attacked and berated in public like this. That can be such a scarring experience.

I have no doubt she is lying and that this woman never once touched her.

I believe something traumatic happened, but I don’t believe Mary Elizabeth did it.*

I’m not sure that Kellyanne is actually the most despised.

I always want to give alleged victims the benefit of the doubt, but this woman lies for a living in support of a completely dishonest and evil administration.

Propaganda Barbie doesn't miss a trick playing the victim. 

“...She ought to pay for that, she ought to pay for that, because she has no right to touch anybody.”

I am calling this one even before the video comes out:

Get a new hobby.

That kid probably sees worse at home given that her dad publicly rips on her mom and her job on a frequent basis.

Conway said she called 911 but the woman had already left.’

Or, your daughter needs to see just how much of a worthless, scummy, horrible shit of a person you are and maybe, maybe, there’s that sliver of hope she won’t grow up to be you.

More accurate headline: Yet Another Precious Snowflake Tired Of Being Called Out For Her Shitty Behavior.

fuck her and all these motherfuckers who think consequences don’t apply to them just because the real, physical damage they wreak on people and the environment is exercised from the comfort of an office