
Cops kill more civilians by several orders of magnitude than ISIS. Cars kill more civilians by several orders of magnitude than ISIS in the U.S. Obesity kills more civilians by several orders of magnitude than ISIS in the U.S. Heroin kills more civilians by several orders of magnitude than ISIS in the U.S.. ISIS is

Lolol we’re all doomed.

Say what you will about Steve Bannon, but the beauty of his soul is only matched by his physical appearance.

Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.

I get that. The studio is banking on you wanting to watch Bladerunnerish futuristic, half robotic, half naked ScarJo shooting things up. I doubt they care about theoretical analysis of the subtle complexities.

Effects are already being felt in my sector (non-profit). We are collectively shitting ourselves. Since last Tuesday, there have been press releases, frenzied emails and requests for meetings to strategize. We can’t afford to wait. When they repeal the ACA, there is a going to be a major overhaul of social services

Dear God, please let there be gay porn in his emails. Gay porn he stars in.

Not enough!


People think the worst things about the Trump presidency is that Donald Trump is a hate-spewing, divisive narcissist with no experience or plan.

But the worst thing for me is that Mitch McConnell is happy.

It’s that look... like when you squeeze out a fart, but maybe shit yourself.

No puppet.

No worries. You have a point.

OK, fair enough. I am sorry for choosing to pick on you individually when I was probably collectively annoyed at several other comments (and honestly, given the hand-wringing apologies to everyone that isn’t a hetero white guy that I have seen elsewhere, your comment is not the worst by far). This is indeed a shitty

This white person agrees. It was us. I don’t want it to be us, but there it is.

I’m an American of Mexican blood. I woke up at 4 am, saw results and seriously wept. Like heaving, sobbing, whimpering. It’s not so much Trump being president, it’s that I always pictured America as the shining city on the hill, the idealist country, filled with intelligence and freedom and decency. It is so

Yes. It’s okay to need to mourn right now. I didn’t realize how sure I was twenty-four hours ago that I was going to see the first woman president. I was worried, but my worry was about preventing Hillary from engaging in drone warfare and dealing with a portion of the electorate that would be calling the election

Ship goes up, ship goes down, you can't explain that!

For the first time now, biologists can do just that—study live organisms that hail from a different era.