Okay, so who didn’t Trump call to ask for help in discrediting Mueller? I’m thinking that’s a much smaller list, and therefore easier to remember.
Okay, so who didn’t Trump call to ask for help in discrediting Mueller? I’m thinking that’s a much smaller list, and therefore easier to remember.
Trump has been committing impeachable offenses since before he was even elected.
Fuck Reason and every disingenuous cretin that writes for them and supports their increasing flirtation with the far-right. It’s basically Quillette-lite now, and abhorrent trolls like Cathy Young as why. White privilege run amok combined with pseudo-intellectualism that’s off the charts.
hey, remember that time Jon was out there stumping for a health insurance company’s Please God We Have To Stop Medicare For All front group? it was called United States of Care. funny story.
sometimes you just gotta give banks the go-ahead to steal homes from black people. otherwise the banks would have to pay out on their bad bets. and Timothy Geithner assures you: that would have made him SAD.
This is problematic logic. If anything, the Obama administration alums have too much of a personal conflict to dispassionately analyze their record. They were too close to it, emotionally involved and attached. I know this is just another one of the vapid anti-Splinter comments that are inundating the site lately, but…
You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
“Like bedbugs on your wedding day”
I just re-joined Twitter like a month ago after a multi-year absence, and barely use it, but this whole situation has delighted me to no end.
Dave Arneson got Jack Kirby-ed.
I know it’s reusing an old (limited edition) design, and it’s from their hands-down most famous song, but I can’t help but feel like a line from “Your Racist Friend” or “Kiss Me Son of God” would’ve been more appropriate.
“I don’t want to comment on that — would you want to talk about your friends?”
Literally the country whose strategic interests are best aligned with ours is Iran but nobody wants to talk about it
It has not been normal for a while.
How do you get Carnegie's legacy unionized? Practice, practice, practice.
Let’s remember that literally one of the first things Trump and Sessions did upon taking possession of the WH and Executive Branch in 2017 was to actively remove white nationalist domestic terrorism from all the counterintelligence and counter-terrorism watchlists that had been established by the prior Administration…
Well, Caitlin, you have to read between the lines a bit, but it sounds like he’s talking about the mental effects of aging.