Maybe this would be something the Secretary of Defense could...oh right we don’t actually have one.
Maybe this would be something the Secretary of Defense could...oh right we don’t actually have one.
Thanks for making me throw up a little.
Like call for some kind of prior proceedings to impeachment? That’s a much better idea. Maybe, as you say, the House should initiate impeachment proceedings against the President of the United States.
I don’t want to have to see it, but I want to know it’s happening.
So Biden is using tokenism to appear progressive and Trump is leveraging downs syndrome children to appeal to the anti-abortion religious right. Stay classy, old white dudes!
That was a good Michael Moore bit from when he had a TV show. He challenged a bunch of car execs to change the oil on their own products, but only Ford came out and did it, but didn’t interact with Moore. I think it was the actual hereditary descendent of Ford who ran the company briefly, so I could see why he felt it…
About right for privileged human garbage tho.
In that scenario you would have to also publicly brag about inventing the virus while blaming the CDC for not stopping you.
Kind of for the reasons you stated, the New York Academy of Sciences sold off their upper east side mansion to take out a lease in the world trade center. It seems dumb to go from owning property to leasing it, but they didn’t want to be thought of as an old institution.
A mnemonic device?
People like this guy are usually introduced to me as an intellectual, then the conversation inevitably drifts to why I would choose to be part of the corrupt academic system instead of tutoring rich kids via Skype from a suburb of Portland or some other white enclave.
I’m hoping she got her screwup out of the way early with that one and stays focused.
I understand it seems like a powerful symbol, but starting a fire with no regard for the lives of the people around you hands the people you a protesting against exactly the narrative they want. They will be perfectly happy if somebody dies as long as it feeds their purpose.
Oh I guess I read into it too much and took the oddly specific detail about the clip being 17 seconds to factor into the title. Like they were letting you know what you were in for in terms of time commitment.
Maybe it can be summed up as “playing to not lose.”
True, that is an important distinction. I was focusing more on my British idioms.
Yeah they’re all arsing it up, but every real metric indicated that smaller countries get buggered when they work out trade deals by their lonesome instead of in a unified block. That was the whole ruddy point of the EU innit?
But those are also supposed to be scary, which is totally fine by me!
You seem to say the same thing no matter what was written or who wrote it. Do you have an identity beyond hate reading?
Out of curiosity Sigfield Grimdark, do you know the difference between a Commentator and a Commenter? I expect you to research the formal definitions of both and present them in good faith, but mine is the one that matters. I suspect we all know what your answer will be.