Dusty Ayres

Which might not go very well for many of the Jews, I don't think, as they wouldn't have been able to practice their religion freely.

Oh yes, by all means, be like this, because rape never happened in medieval settings like these here on Earth in Europe or Southeast Asia.*

Norse people were scrupulously clean and would have never carried any diseases with them to wipe out the natives.

Only for people like you who seem to have problems with black people (if not, prove me wrong in your response.) As an Afro-Canadian male, I don't have a problem with 'what-if?' scenarios like this show's idea (even though it would be hard to sit through personally), but people like you making the comment you just did

Stand up for the curl!

Too bad that none of these are Star Trek, though but that's what happens when you don't believe in the future at all.

He's right about Jeremy Scahill, who's full of shit as Glenn Greenwald is, but was wrong about Milo The Fascist Asshole.

Sadly, knowing the Whedon brothers, there's a possibility that this couple will end up like the previous one from Angel, or like Wash did in Serenity.

Elizabeth Henstridge as Jemma is my favorite lady character of this show-she's the Mary Ann of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Daisy is the Ginger of the show, IMHO.) Alternately, she could be considered the Velma of the show, too, or the Willow Rosenberg (and she sure stepped up like Willow did this episode and two seasons

And that all because it is a TV show, and TV shows can do that compared to movies.

Why should they bring back Ward as an LMD? He's fine where he is.

Or (maybe) Canada? The only problem with that is, we have no castles.

@avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus, @avclub-4ffb0d2ba92f664c2281970110a2e071:disqus:

He didn't kill the story (and why should it be killed?) And what kind of story do you and the other smartasses that hate this film (and Robin Hood) have that should be told instead? Give me a long list, please.

Jesus Christ, there's another indie movie that the critics love to bits and the sheeple that love said critics and every word they say being released?

Not funny.

Why the frack are they shooting this movie in Dubrovnik anyway? And don't they have enough historic sites in England?

Me too. And it makes me sadder that Genesis, his old band, only got Grammys (or Grammy nominations) during the time Phil Collins was a leader of it.

I'm just tired of a fellow black man getting shit for being the way he is, all due to social media. It's wearying on me, and tiresome.