Sherlock’s lasting achievement will be that in just 12 episodes it reached the same level of smug, masturbatory, meta, self-referential self-satisfaction that it can take other cult shows decades to hit.
Sherlock’s lasting achievement will be that in just 12 episodes it reached the same level of smug, masturbatory, meta, self-referential self-satisfaction that it can take other cult shows decades to hit.
*Borat voice* Friday Night Lights!
I had a roommate with that allergy, and she would flip her shit if I ever forgot and accidentally brought a Reese’s cup into the apartment. I totally understood and respected that request until she started doing heroin, and then I figured all bets were off if she was gonna inject a lethal substance into her body. I…
Oh nothing. Good luck with convincing those six people you know not to go see a movie they might enjoy because you read a book.
Kind of surprised this wasn’t brought up
People totally misconstrued what he said. If you actually watch the video he basically says he grew up in the early 2000s and because of that, music of that era is more important to him than 90s rap.
Actually listen to what he says. Vince is a smart dude.
“more famous actor paid more than his less famous counterpart”
OINTB? Obama Is Not To Blame?
My wife and I were laughing just this morning about the fact that the elongated “F U” from Randy right before he is slashed up has been a part of our family lexicon for the last twenty years. We always use it when there is bad news about an annoyance of the day. Example:
I’m about halfway through and...yeah. It’s somewhere between expensive TV show and movie. The genre of “creepy shit happening on a space ship” very badly needs to be grounded in the characters, and there are no characters to speak of in this movie.
For what it’s worth, I really liked both “Club Dread” and “Beerfest”.
Also implying you do understand it doesn’t make it legit.
Because different projects call for different aspect ratios? Different film formats only come in different aspect ratios? Not everything has to be 16:9 just because that’s what size TVs are. And hell, most original content for streaming services isn’t 16:9, it’s 2:1.
Why didn’t she simply walk out? Why did she blow him? This is clearly a consensual sexual encounter she later regretted. “I didn’t really want to do it, but I did anyway” is not sexual misconduct.
Oh wow... that’s just... I mean... I really miss Disqus :(
Surprise: The information in this article is incorrect.
I think it is more that Michelle Williams needs a new agent, ASAP.
I get it, but the flip side is if they didn’t talk about what had been going on and talk about potential change, we’d all be here complaining about how they didn’t talk about it or act like they were going to be different.