
I feel bad for saying this, because they aren’t hurting anyone, but I agree. There was a girl like that that I worked with and it was tough to take at 8 in the morning.

Luke Windsor is his PR person and seems to go to every red carpet, interview and photo shoot with him.

Ah, this is a fallacy. The sons and daughters of the very rich are not necessarily very smart, just well trained to clear the needed barriers for entry.

Elite, because they have access to mindbogglingly high quality resources in endless volume. Those that get places don’t have better brains than the general population

He’s like... somehow, incredibly sheltered for being a man in his mid-30's. That was my takeaway anyway. You don’t still have that level of earnestness at that age unless you just haven’t really lived life.

Ha. Thirst level: Sahara.

That’s a terrible design. So princess seams over the boobs is a good idea — princess seams are much easier to fit than darting. But then cutting the bodice at the underbust line and adding an underbust to high waist line? That’s silly. That band should drop at least to low waist, just to balance the visual line. Then

Yeah I steer clear of things that the models themselves look bad in. If they don’t look good, there’s no chance in hell that I will.

Also incredibly badly made. Darts are uneven, seams are wobbly, nothing is cut on grain. It’s substandard, even for fast fashion. I sew, and what she sells doesn’t even pass my “barely wearable, only useful for painting and grubbies, test garment” standard. But then again, I have standards.

I really don’t think he’s brainy.

Is this what passes for eye candy these days?

Not to sound too cool for school but he never did it for me. He seems like the nerd that gets picked on in hs.

For the Queen, even a plane becomes a fashion accessory.

“This seems like a wise moment to address a sneaking suspicion that I batted away at first—inconceivable, given the physical specimen in front of me—until it became unavoidable: By most definitions, Tom Hiddleston is…uncool.”

This was my take away too.

rihanna invented airplanes, flying, aerodynamics

I’m pretty sure he actually does have blue blood in his veins through his mother’s side. But point taken, though I still think it’s completely ridiculous to call very very rich people ‘middle class’.

Halfway through the article (and thank you Bobby for pointing me towards this gift) and there is NO WAY that Hiddles’ family is ‘solidly middle class’. I hate the way English rich people always insist that they’re ‘middle class’ because they struggled to send their kids to Eton. If you can send your kids to Eton on

Maybe I can just have him stand there and be eye candy and never talk?

Tom is that good-looking guy that you can’t believe is single. And halfway through the first date you realize that there are many valid reasons that no one wants to date him.

Christ, he sounds absolutely exhausting.