
People’s resilience and ability to not be physically harmed by words is not a reason to perpetuate demeaning and hateful expressions, even if they’ve lost some of that ugliness over time. I get what you’re saying here (they’re only words, right?), but this concept of “people just shouldn’t take it the wrong way” is

So that’s how you make scrambled Keonigseggs.

Remember, the alternative could be so much worse:

Buy 60 Turns for 5.99!
300 Turns for 49.99! Best Value!
Buy a Civilization for 4.99!

Pls don’t suck.

Also worth noting that while it’s a great game that’s a lot of fun, one of the chief gripes about it is that the AI that controls how vehicles route themselves is notoriously terrible, to the point that if you don’t plan your city around its foibles your eight-lane highways might as well be single lane roads.

Actually, this is a traffic simulation from the game Cities Skylines (think SimCity). TMPE and NeXT are traffic mods to add more control to traffic flow in the game.

I was incoherent.

The joke being that there will always be a divide between newcomers to a franchise and the “old guard” who will alternately attempt to welcome and help new folks, and those who will shit all over them for not having gotten in “before it was cool.”

Y’know, sort of like people who feel the need to shit on jokes they do

Commented on Jalopnik that I keep driving in the snow on all-season tires.

You have an opportunity to make a four story kart track and waste it on a giant corkscrew and then a hill. And that’s it.

I’m trying not to find this cathartic, I promise

I don’t care what a bunch of foreigners do when someone sneezes.


This is too much and terrible and over-the-top and gaudy and amazing and sexy and perfect.

You need to try associative training.

Whenever you crave sugar, drop a kettlebell on your foot.

Soon you’ll stop craving kettlebells!

Holy poop, these guys were pretty much my goto to get desktop parts. I’m very interested in seeing how this plays out.


Load the trunk with meatballs and I’m sold