
I use my iPad for quite a few things; primarily for editing art and photos, since I have the Apple Pencil to go with it. It is good for on the go work, as mine is an LTE model tied to my phone plan, and it syncs with my iPhone so I can use iMessages and FaceTime even without my phone present. That said, my focus is

This captures my thoughts exactly. I saw this in IMAX (a first for a Mission Impossible movie, for me), and I was completely blown away. I mean, the story was excellent, the music was fantastic, but the action- and more importantly the lack of CG or quick takes or stunt doubles or green screen- took my breath away.

Moffat did his best with Matt Smith. And Smith’s seasons were probably my favorite thus far. Capaldi himself has tied with Smith as my favorite Doctor, but Capaldi’s run was definitely hit and miss (and no fault of his own). Definitely I think Moffat’s writing struggled in a post-11 world. Capaldi’s 9th season was the

See, this is when services or ideas stop doing what they originally set out to do. It is MTV not playing music videos. It is TV Land swapping out classic tv for new original shows.

A couple shortcuts to add; uploading your music library to Google Play Music is fine, but if you don’t want two music apps (Google Play and Spotify), Google Play offers the same streaming service as Apple Music and Spotify Premium for the same cost ($10 a month) plus access to a YouTube Red features (no commercials,

A few comments.

I wouldn’t say that this episode loses Star trek’s soul. On the contrary, Michael, Stamets, the doctor, and the cadet all show Trek’s moral center. I think it only shows that Lorca has no soul, that he isn’t a good man, which is something we’ve been getting hints at for a while. I think a lot of people seem to thing,

I can speak for everything you may listen to, but I just switched to Spotify from Apple Music (and I’ve also been a long time Google Play Music user) and I love it. I have found more things on there than Apple Music has, at least in so far as what I am looking for. The biggest thing to get used to is how you upload

Super simple solution: YouTube should just put a disclaimer on the ads that the views expressed in the videos are not endorsed by the advertised company. Done and done.

I haven’t had a chance to watch episode two yet, but for what it was I did enjoy the first episode. I do love the tone they’ve set, and definitely Capaldi was as wonderful as always, even with the whiplash (I noticed something was off, but hasn’t put words to it until just now when i read that). I sort of think this