
I’m sure there will be much sobbing and weeping over your departure.

I’m sure there will be much sobbing and weeping over your departure.

Sooooo... Let The Show Begin...

In a fashionable libturd way, we’re all winners!

I’m stuck on her last (apparent) visit home at the end of episode 3. Unless there’s a time shift between when she runs away when she stumbles to William, she already has memories of both of her father-bots and the MiB.

We so love our first Echo that we now have three, one on each floor of the house. It gets used everyday for playing the news and radio stations, playing Prime music, adding things to the shopping list right when we think of them, turning lights on and off ...

We so love our first Echo that we now have three, one on each floor of the house. It gets used everyday for playing

thats great

thats great