Talentless wrench

Legacy costs. Between higher union wages and massive pension liabilities, I have read it costs ford/GM $2000+ more per car to make because of the above.

Meanwhile the majority are predicting bankruptcy within 12-18 months for tesla.

I think I’ve seen this movie before.

There’s a story there, go on....

MSP here, can confirm. I had snows when I had my e46 but I rarely see people put on winters, they get awd.

Post-trump. Pre-trump snl was varied and funny.

The test must have been done at altitude for the stinger to win so handily

Rachel Dolezal. Head of regional naacp and claimed she was black. She’a not.

Edit: responded to the wrong person, won’t let me delete

I hope this was real.

The word objective. This word does not mean what you think it means.