
Doesn’t happen often, but I completely disagree with the COTD today. The true winner of the day should go to.

#COTD hands down

5th from the bottom. Totally Z.O.E. worthy.

Agreed. Also, does it look like it is sagging on the drivers side?

This, 100% this.

Lived this and 100% agree.

I currently reside in Austin and I have lived and driven all over the country, a truer statement has never been made.

He was so proud he didn’t lose it outside Cars and Coffee just to get rekt on the next intersection.

You win. The internet is now closed.

Yeah, I think they meant severed... Sad.

He needs one more category.


Nail on the head.


All you need is $2000 to ship it 200 miles from a gas station and race against any other car.

Another perfect example of the benefits of a good mouth guard. But I can’t talk, I have my own hockey smile..

Nailed it

That’s what he gets for disgracing a GT500 with those rims...

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