
The donut is too perfect and he is not correcting anything with the wheel. They just locked the front left wheel so he could pivot on it with the most control.


Looks like IE 6...

Forgot physical labor.

"You can tell he's smart because he punched the guy who was wearing a helmet."

HAHA! This made my Friday!

Agreed. Batman Beyond is the right Batmobile.

Only the motors and the drivers were American. The Daytona Coupe on the other hand, that was all American.

I love how this went from brakes, to toasters, to oversteering bagels. I <3 internets!

Forgot to say that the MD-80 is also incredibly loud. Definitely the worst plane I have ever been on.

I'll be there! Can't wait!

Day maker right there. I laughed my ass off.