
So...hurray for misogyny, I guess?

Do any women own sex slaves, I wondered, then I wondered if any bros would #notallmen this post

I was laughing at the absurdity of your comment until I remembered absurdity is the law of the land now

Oh god, you’re probably right. Have that kid in high school, girls. You’ll save yourself from being sold into slavery for sex.

Just wait. Stephen Miller is going to cite this case as incontrovertible evidence that the pro-choice movement is actually a front for human traffickers and that motherhood is the key to avoiding being kidnapped.

Having a child makes you unsuitable for the sex trade? I’m glad it saved her but Lol.

Putin looks like every other dude on dating apps holding up his stupid fish while wearing shades.

omg that sounds so exciting. i wonder who will win...?

So slimy and scaly. Should be thrown back into the ocean. Also the fish look gross too.

A) I love that picture. There is nothing quite like a dog’s adoration.

“The florida man way...” hehehehe

That unnecessary specificity is actually kinda scary. I’d hate to see what’s blurred out at the beginning and end of the selector.

Can’t believe I had to scroll down so far to find a rec for W. L. Weller! This is my cheap (but quality) go-to when we have parties and/or I want to mix with my bourbon. The Pappy guys actually said they drink Weller (I believe the 9 or 12 year) as a sub for their own.

The last person who wanted to do that helped almost kill this website, so maybe not so much.

Had no idea! I wasn’t aware the word predated the train cars. I’m a writer, editor, history buff and pedant, so this pleases me no end. Thanks—you’ve given me a good morning on multiple levels today.

Oh, so I post something about how I’m so racist I’d be willing to kill a baby and suddenly I’m the bad guy? Damn libruls ruining the country.

This guy was very casual about posting this kind of stuff and these people worked together everyday. This guy was the assistant chief, sorry but there is no way the chief, and probably lots of other officers, didn’t know this dude was a crazy racist and they were all OK with it enough to not do shit until the public

And “fo’c’s’le” for the front one.

I actually did hear a good portmanteau word yesterday. Apparently someone who both produces and edits video is a “preditor.”