
It’s interesting that they used the rhetoric of empowerment while being branded, as part of induction into a cult in which they were sex slaves, probably one of the least empowered states a woman could find herself in.

Well they wanted a show that portrayed trump supporters, and they sure as hell got that! Lol.

I absolutely believe that he was manipulated by the Bachelor producers, but I also believe that he’s a self-absorbed dummy who needs everyone to like him,. He could’ve said no to the producers and broken up with Becca off-camera, but he went along with what they wanted and now he can’t handle that people are judging

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“Going and listening to that segment of the interview where Walters is in tears... gut punch.”

For some reason, in my mind, I keep on hearing Morgan Freeman narrate the sexual harassment: “Morgan didn’t realize the way he terrorized women on the set. I don’t know if he wasn’t able to read their reactions or if he just didn’t care.”

It’s sad to be in a place where we have to judge public apologies like an olympic sport.

I’m old enough to remember the rumors that Morgan Freeman had an inappropriate sexual relationship with his step-grandkid, so I’m finding it hard to be surprised he is a creep.

I said this yesterday but I’ll say it again. This is why women don’t speak up. They not only risk being blackballed by powerful men but bullied and gas-lit by their co-workers who are eager to have their bros back rather than understand the situation. It was infuriating and frustrating to hear Jessica Walter beat into

I always got the vibe that JT is very much like his Hank Kingsley character, which is...not nice.

Michael: I sound like I’m condoning yelling at work. I do not.

In Bateman’s case, I’m not necessarily of the mind that he’s hiding skeletons of his own. I actually know a lot of guys like this. What I recognize here is insouciant white bro confidence which allows them to believe they’re the objective arbiter of all subjects, coupled with a deep-seeded West Coast aversion to any

Play Misty For Me

I kept reading about how people wanted to not swatch Arrested Development because of this. I get that, but the show is also Jessica Walter’s work as well, of which she’s likely very proud of. I obviously have no idea what her personal thoughts are, but I imagine she wants people to see her artistic work.

I would consider it assault to have a man expose himself in front of me without my permission and masturbate. I shouldn’t have to deal with that in the work place, in public or anywhere. Pushing yourself sexually on someone is assault. Louis CK is a serial sexual predator.

The sullying comes from not talking to ANY of the original cast or crew. No input from previous actors producers or directors.

To be fair, lots of cults/authoritarian leaders/etc taught some good self-help things in with the crazy. I think that’s how they become successful - they start with the reasonable stuff, their followers see that following the leader’s advice improved their life, and that leaves them willing to listen to the real crazy

This is the trait that I think the “dark web” folks really have in common, shared by a number of alt-right characters. They are not engaging in rigorous debate, they are playing with debate tricks. Peterson, Yiannopolis, even Kellyanne Conway have perfected a style of argumentation that plays well in tv

The quote you include made me think of the current situation with China and India, where you have surplus of young to middle aged men due to sex selection preference for boys. I remember when I first heard about the demographic imbalance developing I thought that perhaps it would lead to heightened status for women,

“I read Betty Friedan’s book because I was very curious about it, and it’s so whiny, it’s just enough to drive a modern person mad to listen to these suburban housewives from the late ’50s ensconced in their comfortable secure lives complaining about the fact that they’re bored because they don’t have enough

One of the things I find so challenging about men like this is that they think they’ve got it figured out, that they’re operating on a higher plane, but really, their intellectual development is so stunted by their entitlement and misplaced rage that they have the intellectual capacity of a four year old who’s been