
It took me a minute and then I was like “right! they did this on purpose!!” Because that last Vanity Fair cover with Oprah and Reese Witherspoon was pretty close to this. Once I got through the uncanny valley I loved it, especially McKinnon’s leg.

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

Yeah this is the one thing that makes me side-eye Meghan Markle. Ben Mulroney seems terrible. Marrying him indicates bad judgement, and you don’t want a bff with bad judgement amirite?

I don’t know what caused Meagan to fall out with her family but I wouldn’t be inviting any of these drama queens to my wedding either. They seem exhausting. I don’t care if she’s the biggest bitch on the planet, family is family and you don’t snitch on family to the press or the public.

You know, I wish that her family wasn’t trying as hard as they could to be tackier than our president. Like I feel so bad for her, bc god knows that she has a tough road to walk trying to gain acceptance in that world, and they are just being as fcking low rent as possible. I’ve dated above my socio-economic class,

Does anyone else while reading stories about Meghan Markle’s extended family think about which of their own extended family would be selling stories to the press if they were to marry royally?

I guess a bunch of TV actors were


It’s an indelible image for a lot of GenX.

He’s obviously trying to inflict pain since he could’ve easily asked for the value of the guitar’s estimated sale price in the settlement. Based on previous sale and auction prices for rockstar’s guitars, Kurt’s could’ve possibly fetched up to $1M which Bean would’ve probably much rather parted with then her dead

People who don’t give back gifted family heirlooms are trash. Grandma’s wedding ring? Give it back. Late dad’s guitar? That shit was never meant to be yours, do the right thing!

I can perfectly visualize the guitar without even googling a pic of it. Him sitting there with his long blonde hair covering half his face and grandpa sweater, hunched over the guitar strumming away.

And you just know he’s gonna auction it off.

It’s really such a dick move to keep someone’s dead dad’s guitar, I honestly can’t believe it.

WHAT THE FUCK!!! I’m really upset about Kurt’s guitar.

“He always leaves me standing in the rain.” (Had to get my GH in there.)

An apologia for a child murderer.

I have no doubt that she is mentally ill, but the vast majority of people who suffer from mental illness do not show such rage against kids or any other people who are not threatening them. She has shown absolutely no remorse, and the nature of the murders were brutal. She’s still playing the pity card without ever

Temporary insanity?!? Did you not read her statement where she expresses no remorse and makes herself the victim? I’m sympathetic to immigrants, but she killed two children and not only isn’t sorry about it, is whining that she got caught and even expects people to feel sorry for her over it.