
I think the Daily Dot summed it up pretty well. I’ll just emphasize the point the Daily Dot is making: Casting Cumberbatch as an ethnically ambiguous character in this movie is wrong because: 1. This was the franchise’s opportunity to cast a non-White actor, and instead, they chose a white actor that had already

I have heard people discuss this. Basically, the film makers have used Chiwetel Ejiofor as an “alibi” to excuse their white washing of Asian characters. It’s pretty gross honestly. I love Chiwetel Ejiofor ESPECIALLY when he does sci-fi and dystopian movies. But the studioshouldn’t get brownie points for casting him.

I’m a white person who never paid much attention to the representation of Asians in the media until recently and even I was offended by Tilda Swinton’s casting. It, along with Cumberbatch’s casting, is the reason I haven’t seen the movie, even though I like the genre. I may not be Asian, but I still feel insulted as a

I understand why average Americans, people who will be directly effected by climate change, and whose children and grandchildren will be plunged into poverty, or die in natural disasters, won’t respond to the threat. Firstly, these people are isolationists. To admit that climate change is real would mean admitting to