
It read like a lovers quarrel.

They’ve had a way to see this information, on Steam, for as long as I can remember. Not to mention this method gives you a full breakdown.

Do you even have a clue what XXXTentacion (aka little thundercunt) did? This piece of shit brutalized his ex, bragged about beating the shit out of his “faggot” cellmate while in jail, and so on.

Use your wallet. Hollywood can give him a second chance (or anyone else for that matter). Doesn’t mean you have to.

Probably true but would you even take the risk of going to jail for a long time? When a judge tells you to never contact someone again, you don’t do it. Even to apologize.

My brother was prohibited from contacting a specific person via any means, including sending a note through a lawyer.

If it’s anything like my brother’s experience, I can assure you even that would not be acceptable. I don’t know if a restraining order was put in place (I assume so) but that forbids even an action like that.

That and they keep saying “no more loot boxes” after that disaster but then they add “Airlifts” to Battlefield 5 which are basically loot boxes by another name.

He went through the legal system and it is what it is. Do I agree with the amount of time he served? No.

I can 100% guarantee he was told to never contact his accuser again by his lawyer. Failure to do so, even to issue an apology, could result in further legal action.

I guess that’s just it then. We don’t know the full story as we are reading the news that may not be entirely accurate.

I guess it depends? I could get fired from a job for some sort of major offense but could easily find work in the same field, under most circumstances. I’d say the same applies to him. He probably won’t and shouldn’t get a job at Paramount again.

Yep says it twice. Go look up articles from 2015 that says he apologized in the courtroom, directly to her. After that, he was probably directed by his lawyer to have no further contact by any means.

It’s more a question of what do you consider redeemable? Do I agree or condone what he did? No. Did he do everything required of him as far as the justice system is concerned? Yes.

I’d be really curious what your approach would be to our entire judicial system since you seem very enlightened? Maybe we should put every convicted felon to death? Would save a lot of tax payer money to just get rid of them. You know, since they obviously don’t deserve a second chance.

I find it interesting that you say “cater to the weak”. In this scenario, the weak to me is the person throwing the attacks.

So does Rustemeyer currently hold the record on every other track or is it he was #1 on each track at some point in time?

You are horrible but I love it.

This. I have two kids (15 and 12) and they are fairly restricted on when they can play video games.