Never commenting again

Why is the AV Club consistently whining about how somehow Marvel is betraying America by publishing this "Captain America is a sleeper agent" story in the Trump era? Instead of being "bad optics" publishing this story right now, could it not instead be equally (and I would argue more validly) viewed through the lens

That was a much better put and less antagonistic way of saying what I tried to say on last week's review. Kudos.

For some reason it grates on me specifically on this show because I guess I feel the source material and analysis are just so disconnected from each other. I agree about the house style, but I can move past it on most things, and some shows even call for it, such as Lost retrospectives, or the HBO/AMC dramas.

I've never commented before on the AV Club but I have to at this point.
Every week I click on a few reviews and I was excited when I saw they were covering Futurama, as I always casually enjoyed it.
But this reviewer has been so insufferable I cannot continue. Futurama is a fun, enjoyably dense cartoon with