
Well that’s show biz, Youtube is basically a mini hollywood & shit goes south for actors/directors all the time there with only differences being the amount of income both parties make since Youtube isn’t a huge payout you need to be elsewhere patreon twitch etc, advertisers don’t want to associate with bad content

Or the real option get a Japanese director/studio behind the film thus you can’t complain when the people making the film are of originator of content but are choosing foreigners to star in it.

I take it you’ve never played Demon Souls then cause that fight is literally just the Old Monk fight.

Halo/CoD died competitively around 05/06 with death of people caring about MLG tournaments, now it’s all about LoL Dota CS:GO.

Have you watched Egoraptors early animation/newgrounds days he wasn’t exactly any less PC then Jon is being.

This is what people saying when DLC’s/Microtransaction began now look at the industry they try & milk ever cent you got & lock content to real money many mt’s are design to force players to buy them like sure you could put in a 100 hours to scrounge enough in-game currency or you could drop real money right now.

When even Fromsoft are like fuck weapons degrading & each entry into Dark Souls has had weapons break slower & slower & my weapon never ever breaking in 3 it means time to fuck off with weapon degradation. ;p

Well it’s either do an Original Story or wait 1-2 years for the Manga to have enough content, which the Manga only just put out like a few days ago Official Chapter 1 of Boruto Manga.

So their idea of not following the trends of anime is to do a cafe of monsters which seen several animes over years based around a group of oni/yokai/general weirdo characters hanging in a coffee cafe & then occasionally going doing mission.

So, “I played Destiny and all got was this lousy shirt” :)

Well it’s how you make a living as a cosplayer most people gravitate towards more lewd cosplay then more accurate/refined even if it is well done like this one is, those nips/stitching or whatever will bring far more viewers to images.

A proper comparison terminology would be “purchasing a painting making slight alterations & reselling it/or charging people to view it” Your original statement would assume gamer’s developed the game.

I’ve been using Youtube since 05 & have watch many rebrand themselves with a new channel & trust me they don’t most youtubers lose a huge chunk of their followers when move to a new channel & it’s far worse when go to a new site, even the jump to twitch many popular youtubers don’t get the kind following they do on

I assume it’s make sure consumers can see & know them right away. If they made reasonable size cases for those then they’d get less view coverage in a store & most likely to differentiate from 3ds for dumb people/ non gmaing parents

I don’t know you sound pretty insulted by it enough to make this comment about that one small word he said out of that entire text.

This is for Japan with no western release in site, japan doesn’t care as much about it as you do you know whole different cultures different idea’s on right wrong etc.

Personally for me the game takes far more of it’s design from Way of the Samurai & Musou Games then Souls series.

Stupid complaint, of course mei has to be fit look at her normal outfit & environments she wears it in, unless she eats a truckload of food every day she’d be probably ripped under that gear.

Graffiti Mode.

Surprised Andreas placed where did, “You can knock over traffic cones, watch animals in the woods, read labels on cereal boxes. Hell, you can watch TV or even surf a totally fictional in-game internet. It’s wild.” < this is all doable in Andreas, plus SA has Co- op, body health eat get fat don’t skinny work out to