Now question is how many of these are going pull out like after the Wii U didn’t do well, man Zelda better push a lot of units.
Now question is how many of these are going pull out like after the Wii U didn’t do well, man Zelda better push a lot of units.
Sad but also .. scalebound looked like ass the game play from trailers did not look platinum looked sluggish & rough as hell, main character was also just so boring in design & VO. That game play against the crab? boss thing was god awful sucks for them it was cancelled but it wasn’t looking great when showing it off.
6m of vac banned players buying game again on alt accounts.
God, the amount of people like”CANTZ BEWEIVE THAS GAEMS WUNS OVR MES FAVRNTS WAAAAHHHHH!!!” they won cause they have the biggest fanbases/ players / current players/ support from devs/modding scene.
Says the Civ Fanboy. These are fan chosen awards why wouldn’t the most popular / most played games win.
Hey it’s alright we’re from a time when cheating in single player was/ is fine, remember when games came with cheat codes built in to them those were good days.
Get it’s a joke but you do know Gearbox has made like several Half Life titles.
Yep, that’s an expensive ride when considering it cost 99USD so 120 or so for me if buy a 8mil shark card so basically most of these rides are valued at 20 - 50 dollars real cash.
Not a nerf a bug fix, the MH had broken damage values & would general OHK anywhere on the body it was a skilless sniper rifle & despite having to reload after each shot is BF1 most used sniper rifle wonder why oh yeah it was a scrub friendly sniper.
..That’s going to be poorly represented forever isn’t it, what he meant was it be too hard that late in development it was literally almost ready for launch & add a female would’ve cost a lot & added more than 6 months VO/Mo-cap performance/animations/textures/outfits & more takes for ever & they would’ve had to edit…
My way of doing it was just saving at the door & running through grabbing key then running to the apartment getting the combination writing it down then reloading took maybe 10 minutes just doing it this way”combination doesn’t reset so it works to reload”.
I believe Fairy Tail was doing poorly in ratings the manga anyway because the fan service got rampant about halfway through & manga’s usually tend start doing that as a crutch to keep it alive cause as you said it’s fan service every chapter & almost every page has some fan service on it.
Well it’s not like a bunch of Twitch streamers support racism & hate, most have those voice donations with minimum being donation for voice being $4.20 or 5 they get spam donated so much with stupid shit but it’s a smart way to make quick cash.
Well yeah kids love doing shit they’re not allowed to, racism/ underage drinking/ drugs etc.. if it’s not allowed they’ll want to do it.
If they want Royalties & more money then we should add a Voice Acting Section to Meta Critic & if the VO scores low then they should pay half of what they got paid back to the studio, they see themselves as so important then they should also take a hit.
That’s the modern world, 90% of people don’t give unless they get something in return why most charities do contest/give aways how many charities offer a car prize or cash or a house etc.. it may suck but hey it makes people give money & that’s what this stuff is it’s awareness for the team but it’s marketing for EA…
Well I don’t think at time Skate 3 or the TH games did well in sales so that told the Publishers that we don’t really want more Skateboarding games, although EA has been testing the waters by limited re release of Skate 3 like a year ago & now this BC Skate 3 maybe they’re seeing if be worth funding a Skate 4 though…
The Tony Hawk series destroyed itself, Ride destroyed them & Activision merging Neversoft into Infinity Ward handing the series to Robomodo destroyed it even further.
Problem is it’s luck of draw on digital items, some games never release the pre order exclusives & some do so you never now if that item will be available outside of the pre order.
Agree one the few issues I had with campaign is exactly the navigation, I’d look out at some areas & think for a second can I go there & then immediately die.It’s a great campaign I just wish on PC the multiplayer was more popular I had change my region to US just to get a game.