no just no

shit stains like you are the reason we have trump. we dont way a fucking neocrate any god damn more. we dont want big pharma loving wall street cock suckers anymore.

You are one stupid mother fucking piece of shit. You need to beaten. The USA pays about 10 times more than any other god damn country because of fucking imbred dipshits like you

They also have never published anything against russia or russian allies. Wikileaks posts falst shit all the time. Pizzagate has no evidence

Doubt his nerd ass has ever played any sport

Actually since oil has dropped and massive jobs have been cut, they do not.

Assange is a pedophile rapist and wiki leaks staff are dumber than dog shit.

There is not a single red state that contributes more than it takes in. NOT A SINGLE ONE

LOL @ all these News Corp articles.

This is a representation of you laying the smack down

No one should ever believe delta.

“deeper and better shooters”

Using your logic, no one should care about African american people in jail since native Americans in jail make have it about 10 times worse. Know who is most likely to be shot the police too? Native americans... by a lot

That info is 6 years old and posted by a right wing site.

No one gives a fuck about some piece of shit Russian being killed. How about you start to care about the hundreds of gay Russians that are executed monthly

AHAHAHHAHAH no. Gamergate was started when that dev’s ex decided to be a fuckstain and make rumors about her sleeping around for good scores. He game didn’t have competition.

unless you are talking about a work machine i suggest just building a $800hackinstosh

So you admit being a bigoted shit stain who wants to ruin american to make Russian powerful again.

Now playing

I think the airpods are overpriced as fuck but none of the ones u listed has any of the features the air pods have

Republicans are the greatest threat to this nation.

No. Middle class voters actually voted for Clinton in higher numbers