
I mean, I guess I have a personality if you enjoy those things. Sorry you’ve got depression, I can relate.

I love when people who has not been born or lived in the country I was born into and lived there for lots and lots of years wants to explain to me about how my country works or how I am supposed to speak my own language.

What matters is that he wraps himself up in ‘Good Christian’ labeling and acts in almost complete opposite of that, yet because he’s a rich white guy the suckers buy it and let him ‘take a mulligan’ on things like adultery, general douchery, etc.

Let’s see, who could Trump replace John Kelly with? Someone who embraces the core Trumpism philosophy; someone who embodies Trumpism. Such an embarrassment of riches to choose from!

Insane. There truly is a Trump Tweet for all occasions.



She may have known better, but she didn’t act better and ruined this young man’s moment.

I’m hoping he either mispronounced or was misquoted and really meant he dated her mom, Ivana. That being said, if he did mean Ivanka, she’s 36 now, so she was 24 when he alleges they dated. So, gross, but legal.

This won’t be popular, but I’m not a fan of these kind of things. They are contrived and sentimental and condescending. I’m all for inspirational stories where people overcome disabilities or setbacks with hard work and compete legitimately. The one legged wrestler, for example - everyone against whom he competed went

Word life. Det. Frank Pembleton over everything

Do you bite your thumb at me, sir?

FYI this is not me giving up, just need to rant.

Andre Braugher? Courtney B. Vance? Lance Reddick?

The picture of Trump in The Washington Times looks familiar......oh yeah, now I remember!

So then offer some insight into the matter, if you’re so smart!

How about you not be rude.

Jholie later responded to her sister’s text saying she was going to Norfolk, about three hours away, and would be right back.