
How does a company like Vigilant Solutions have such an extensive database? Where are those records coming from? Anyone know?

jessica drake Is Wicked, a showcase film—meaning she’s in every scene—that’s racked up a ton of nominations, including Best All-Girl Group Sex Scene, Best Star Showcase, and Best Art Direction. She’s also nominated for Mainstream Star of the Year.

The e.e. cummings of porn

You’re right that its not and that’s shitty and unfortunate. For myself personally, I guess I’ve stopped expecting one from him. My comments aren’t to reward him and instead, coming from a place of ‘welp, if this is all we’re gonna get - at least he’s not gonna show up and make it worse’.

His statement is “you all would be distracted by me”, it isnt “I behaved badly and that would take away from women”

“Because like 80% of yall are rapists”


I spend about 20-30 minutes a night combing her while watching TV. It’s meditative and soothing.

“Government Funding Bill past last night in the House of Representatives. Now Democrats are needed if it is to pass in the Senate - but they want illegal immigration and weak borders. Shutdown coming? We need more Republican victories in 2018!”

Oh, my good man, no one is calling you a troll because you disagree, they’re calling you a troll because you had to be an asshole about it. Do you not see the difference? Bless your heart.

‘They all float down here’, sorry, couldn’t resist it.

Now all I can imagine is Forest Whitaker playing Trump...

Totally agree.

What a relief. Guess our democracy is safe, once again.

Calvin being a fatalist shouldn’t be surprising.

I don’t think anyone tunes to find out how Mama June lost all the weight. I imagine people watch this because they get a kick out of how trashy these people are. I mean, I’ve watched maybe 10 minutes of Honey BooBoo and my takeaway is that the whole point of the show is that these people are trashy and ignorant, so it

I tell my players all the time, “catch the ball with your hands, not your face.” But I’ve generally found that face catching is truly color blind, unlike human beings.

Let’s not stoop to their level, OK? Making fun of a person’s physical appearance is the most immature thing you can do. Let’s keep that only something that people like Trump do.