
In other words, every day of my professional life as an attorney. Everyone wants their work done now, don’t care/think I have other clients, and they don’t understand that courts don’t work like they see on TV, i.e. they have a problem and I can run into court that same hour and see a judge to argue their case.

How do people keep missing this fact?  It’s basically a GM vehicle rebadged as a Honda.

Airbus and their fanboys completely lost the plot over the A380. When Boeing backed out of a superjumbo and said “nope. Planes the size of the 777, more or less, will be the future”, Airbus and their rabid fanbase laughed at Boeing.

I, for one, never challenged or questioned Altima drivers’ financial viability.

People who trot out the “play stupid games, win stupid prizes” are as dumb as a box of rocks and have zero ability to think of something clever on their own, so they default into stupid mode and throw that tired-ass line out there as if it were clever.

Yes, it is irrelevant he was fleeing. He didn’t commit a crime where he caused grievous bodily injury or death. Fleeing a cop is not an automatic “you get death sentence”.  

Huge waste of money, too. And considering that dude paid over MSRP on a penny-ante GTI tells you all you need to know about his sensibilities (or lack thereof)

eh...the MDX isn’t really doing it for me. I was initially polarized by the previous gen Lexus RX (2016-2022) but I’ve come to realize they actually nailed it as far as style of SUV is concerned with that generation

We all make mistakes. I, for one, never like or promote racist things. There is no mistake in that sort of behavior. 

No second chances. 

Still an ugly truck that will be driven by people who will clog highway lanes going 55mph thinking they are the king sh*t of cars and trucks

Agreed. The logo tells me all I need to know about the company

The cops didn't "get a hit". Can you read? They got nothing when they ran the plate, D*ckface

Yep. If that family were white, ThatVanGuy would be leading the charge onto City Hall in a similar fashion to how he was rolling up to the Capitol Building in DC on Jan 6, 2021.

How was the family being disrespectful? By not offering to lick the gum off the bottom of the cops' shoes as their family is being threatened with instant death?!  Piss off, Jerk.

Looks like another Bonanza V-tail claims another group of victims.

Agree with that. The active aero and exhaust of the 3000GT was a cool gimmick, but IIRC, almost no one had it because only one model year had all the gizmos, and they apparently decided to remove one feature a year until it was just a big ass car that had no advantage over its rivals.

No way was the Supra overlooked in favor of the 3000GT/Stealth at the time. Nope. Supra was just too expensive, just like the 3000GT. Everyone at the time thought of the Mitsu as just a cruiser, not a street fighter car. Everyone wanted a Supra but couldn’t afford it (and this was way before Fast and Furbies came out).

Yeah, that was pretty easy to see from the jump.  Anyone who bought into that con job deserves their money to be taken. NO ONE builds consumer electronics here.

It’s people like you who would call the Civil Rights Movement “useless” and that if those “darkies want change, they should just be calm and wait”