Yeah, this guy saying he likes the "in your face looks" of the 300 tells me he's got serious ego and obnoxious issues to deal with and the 300 is just an extension of that.
Yeah, this guy saying he likes the "in your face looks" of the 300 tells me he's got serious ego and obnoxious issues to deal with and the 300 is just an extension of that.
I can understand trading a Tesla for a Mach-E, but a Tesla for a Chrysler 300? This dude is someone I can sell beachfront property in Arizona to and he’d go all in.
But it wasn’t the Raptor drivers’ fiduciary duty to issue said “payback."
Brake checking is illegal. Raptor isn't highway patrol; not his job to police the left lane. He should be ticketed as well for unsafe driving
Agreed. Racer.wong is more like racer.wrong. Cheering for that means it's going to come back on ya pretty hard
This is completely shady by both Honda and Red Bull, because they whole point of moving up the engine freeze date was to”assist Red Bull” in getting their RB Power trains running. They made all sorts of public announcements that RB was or had purchased all of Honda’s IP to build the engines themselves, and it would…
I absolutely despise driving these days. With a-holes who feel the need to cut you off however unsafe it may be, to people driving around blinding you with their high-beams, and now we have this dumbass firing away.
How and why the hell does this guy have a firearm?!? It looks like he’s never fired a weapon in his life, nor even heard of firearms safety.
THANK YOU! Brightness of these damn headlights as well as aiming them to blind oncoming cars is one of the most irritating things about new cars. Manufacturers seem hell-bent on causing permanent blindness in people.
That’s the real benefit of blowing away FMVSS. Here in SoCal, you see so many cars that have Mexican plates that are US market cars, presumably because they can buy an American-market car, and register it in Mexico. But low and behold, many Mexican market Renaults, Citroens, VWs, Toyotas, you name it, all have Mexican…
Also, I’ve never understood the hate this era of 5 series got. When it debuted I thought it was a beautiful car, well designed, great proportions, and, to me, at least, a massive leap over the previous 5 series in terms of looks.
Even though I’m mightily afraid of BMW reliability and maintenance costs, I’m giving this very NICE PRICE.
Dunkin is seriously overrated. Just like In-N-Out burgers. Idiots wrap around those like no tomorrow.
Just say no. You are under no obligation to do that. What if the money you are paying is for some TikTok do-nothing who rolls up in a McLaren? Do they need your “pay it forward” charity?
Thank you. This sounds like stupid junk people do to justify the fact that they are probably horrible people outside of their fake “pay it forward” nonsense.
Yep. Tell Carvana delivery not accepted and email them the video with a demand for my money
Hmm. Okay.
What do you mean by "presence" and why do you need that? If you want presence, get a Kenworth
Served in America’s military and anyone who tells you there is no racism in the military is a blatant liar and you should never trust a word out of their mouths.
Same. He's coming back.