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They didn't say the secret password! That's why the shear ram didn't work! Jeeze, everyone knows that.

@Chon: You mean about $20 billion

@seven5suited: Also, they want you to buy the new 4G.

@Maave: I wish I could promote this. That game is epic.

I wanna see the aurora on Jupiter!

@Igor Neumann: Right, but I was saying that his main point was that if you want an eReader then you shouldn't go with the iPad over the Nook.

@Igor Neumann: I don't know. I think you missed his point. "Ipad is not an e-reader and I doubt someone here at Gizmodo said it is." I think he was trying to say that if you want to an eReader, why get the iPad? He did say, "That's why the iPad isn't and will never be an eReader. " but he was more talking about Jobs

@frigg: His idea would work, it would simply be VERY expensive. And take a very long time to build.

@ninjamurf: Well if he did make a mistake then that's too bad.

Red power ranger?

This might come in handy some day. If the Cumbre Vieja in Africa ever falls into the sea, the east coast of the USA may want to be warned.

"And now we go to Ollie Williams with the blackie tech report. Ollie."

@Kaiser-Machead: I think you can vote over and over but it doesn't add another one of your votes to the total.