
Wow that's remarkable!

But I just want to play duck hunt on an LCD!

@Chernobyl: Don't worry Chernobyl! Even if this LIFE fusion thing ends up being a catastrophe and kills thousands, we will still remember you as being the first major nuclear accident :)

Holy shit! I didn't know a key contained a key!

@tj: Non-existent in your opinion. Perhaps the referee saw something call worthy.

@tj: Wait, you are talking about offside. I'm talking about the foul! I even specified that in my last comment.

@tj: I certainly hope that you don't rely purely on your ARs to call fouls inside the penalty area.

@MisterHister: I reviewed the video more and the referee actually points his arm indicating the team awarded the free kick. It does not go up for an indirect free kick.

@tj: "Blow the whistle after the goal (you have to do this anyway) but go grab the ball. Then go over and discuss the situation with your AR. If nothing happened, take the ball to center field and start play. If there was an infraction take the ball back to the goal box and start up play."

@tj: Actually, the AR is an assistant. He helps the referee. If he doesn't see something and the referee does, the referee can legitimately make the call.

@ninjamurf:"The ref also called a foul, not offside. The linesman never raised his flag."

@Oedipus Thorpe: Thanks for the reply. I didn't make any claims in my response. They were all merely suggestions of why the call may have been the way it was.

@Francisco Galárraga: True he's grabbing him, but that's an entirely different situation. There's all kinds of grabbing on any corner kick. It's a typical thing to happen. As long as no one gets hauled down or held off the ball then it's not a foul.

@dfp3050: "Also, it was a penalty kick... I thought that you couldn't be off sides on those. Even if he was behind their fullback, it shouldn't matter in that instance. "