
@MisterHister: "Now for those of you not familiar with referee signaling, that means an indirect kick. That means offside."

Perhaps a referee may shed some light on this call.

@junyo: Uh, you are also forgetting that he invented mobile phone and the world free from prons.

A little motivational crack of lightning. Finally someone is kicking their ass over this.

So is it edible?

@junior ghoul: "we'll probably just agree to disagree, shake hands, and part ways."

Pffft. It's just on the wing guys, what's the big deal! It's not like wings are that important to flying.

Pffft. It's just on the wing guys, what's the big deal! It's not like wings are that important to flying.

@Wwhat: But the wings aren't that important are they? :P

@Cmykify: Wow. It's like duct tape's meth head brother on crack. Imma have to pick some of this up the next time we have a "fly on the wall" contest.

@Cmykify: Wow. It's like duct tape's meth head brother on crack. Imma have to pick some of this up the next time we have a "fly on the wall" contest.

@grovestreet: BP is responsible for the company they contracted therefore it is their fault just as much as anyone else's. Coupling this with the fact that they were pushing the contracted company to complete the drilling while cutting corners and not ensuring the proper safety practices were followed shifts most of

@grovestreet: BP is responsible for the company they contracted therefore it is their fault just as much as anyone else's. Coupling this with the fact that they were pushing the contracted company to complete the drilling while cutting corners and not ensuring the proper safety practices were followed shifts most of

@Wwhat: No worries :) I've done the same.

@Wwhat: Haha you missed my sarcasm didn't you :) Just a bit.

@Wwhat: Haha you missed my sarcasm didn't you :) Just a bit.