Neutered Skip Bayless

Your idea also suffers from the notion that age is the key.
If they could replace Dexter Fowler with Mike Trout, getting younger would be better, no?
You’re trying to explain things with on variable that has some impact on the outcome of things. But not nearly the impact you attribute to it.

At this point Michael Cuddyer

Fine. Your comment was dumb. It was a rehashing of old boring ideas. But it was not a hot take. Does that make you happy?
That article has so many flaws in methodology it hardly proves your point. It works fro you because confirmation bias is a thing....but I’m not really swayed by gross average. Shit...all it really

My point is you have a boring old-man opinion based on handed-down cliches (not evidence)...which is pretty much exactly what a hottake is. You just weren’t a passionate ass about it.

...since you asked.

Is there a name for a comment that has all the quality of a hottake, but none of the passion?