
This haircolor! Perfection

Oh yeah folks back home tell, "when you go to Vegas you gotta have the BUFFET!"

"Sure, you can come, but no whales or hippos, gonna need some pics. What? You don't want to come to the #1 Nightclub in America anymore? Why not? Please reconsider(unless you and your friends are whales and hippos(actually still come, but enter through the back so no one can see your fat rolls))!"

and he clearly isn't talking about dress or skirt size, coz ZOMG, a 10 is SO HUGE!

Seriously, she was like, um ok nm then, and he's like BUT WAIT NO HIPPOS BUT DON'T YOU WANT TO COME TO THE #1 CLUB IN AMERICA? BUT NO HIPPOS. BUT WAIT WHERE ARE YOU GOINNNNNGGGG??? Lol what a moron.

IDK whatever the punishment usually is for voyeurism and recording somebody without their consent.

No. No. No.

"Revenge porn" is a misnomer. Revenge porn laws cover a lot more than just images which were taken consensually and misused thereafter — they also include images which were stolen, taken nonconsensually, or images which are altered to appear to resemble a nonconsenting person.

I mean I really think this instance of bullying can't be separated from the issue that people are PROFOUNDLY uncomfortable with sexuality. Sex positive sex ed might be able to help change a culture that is so squeamish something as normal as masturbation is derrided as gross and dirty and something to be made fun of