
Squee also took place in that world, and it featured several proto depictions of Zim characters, Jhonen did write a few issues of the Invader Zim comic book though, and fat Dib is a very clear carry over from one of the issues he wrote (the joke was that in the several years since the show ended, Zim was just kind of

Triumph the Cowardly Dog? I mean, not that I wouldn’t be one hundred percent onboard for a show in which Triumph The Insult Comic Dog has to fight monsters, but it’s sadly just Courage, The Cowardly Dog.

Look out Todd Solandz and John Waters, the bastards will probably be coming for you next for all those movies you’ve made! And then recognitions will be here to make stupid comments about how you deserve to be roasted on a spit.

Rrecognitions probably didn't even know about it until you just now mentioned it, but will now make it their life's goal to post asinine comments about it on any articles about Silverman

Super even has a pretty good joke where a pedophile gets brained by a pipe wrench during a montage of Rainn Wilson assaulting criminals, punctuated brilliantly bt him yelling "Dont molest kids!!!"

I feel like Gunn coordinating with his buddy Michael Rooker to go visit sick kids as Yondu, and getting sick kids to come visit the set of Goth 2 along with his efforts to be nothing but good to fans outweigh some shitty jokes that didn’t actually affect anyone (to the point literally no one cared until just now)

Eexactly, how is any of this different from like, Seth MacFarlane’s entire career? Are people going to suddenly go back and actually watch episodes of Family Guy and realize “oh shit, this show makes light of rape and pedophilia, better give him yet another awful show!” but probablt not, because dumb rednecks love

So Space Jam is still an upcoming film?

The Predator? Or John Wick? Either would be hilarious.

He is.

Yeah, but usually in some stupid, unintended way, and then the show just wrote his character out by unceremoniously dumping him in a Tibetan opium den.

I haven't witnessed any of that stuff (mostly just knew him from his voice roles before SV) but I wanted to chime in that it also works because he has that kind of "abrasive asshole" shtick with the character, but that the character is consistently the butt of the joke, and made to look pathetic at nearly every turn,

Yeah I mean, the whole point of the character is the juxtaposition that he’s a cheesy, campy jokester who you’d likely see at the Catskills, mixed with a deranged homicidal lunatic who will kill you and everyone you ever loved without a second thought.

My opinion of it soured greatly due to all those pretentious fucking comments and reviews, Iwent from being like “that was fun, but just sort of ok overall” to absolutely hating it due to everyone (including the people who made it) acting like it was some kind of piece of high art.

I’d enjoy that too, a Mad Hatter Batman movie may have actually had something interesting to look at production wise other than downtown Chicago, but he’d never make a movie with Mad Hatter because he seems to despise everything about comic books and saw Batman and his rogues gallery and supporting cast as beneath him

Because it isn’t just a bunch of blocky polygons? Even the original games had the whole Clockwork-punk aesthetic

It was a clearly facetious comment, but also, people are really fucking dumb, you’re gonna tell me it’s not even a possibility some old person (they like to flock to the arthouse theaters in droves) is going to go in thinking its about Bullitt?

Thats also a great gag in Time Bandits, that he’s dressed like Errol Flynn with tights and a bright green shirt and his “Merry Men” are all filthy monsters.

Nah he was acting, just for the parts where Jason behaved selflessly and put his life on the line at the end of the movie to save the lives of the aliens.

Ohhh, you mean fascist stormtrooper Buzz, I hate that guy!