
Not really? The Spirit wasn’t afraid to get very silly depending on the type of story Eisner wanted to tell, he was also writing it in the 40s and 50s, so a lot of it has that kind of high camp quality that comics from that era are known for. Its kind of all over the place since it was basically just a big playground

Yeah, apart from some of the more insane parts like the immortality and modern style violence it might as well have been an issue of the Will Eisner comic.

I didn’t mind it, if only because the source material is pretty goddamn silly itself, it came across like the campy silliness and insanity of Golden age comics mixed with the coked out lunacy of late period Frank Miller. I’m not going to defend it as some kind of masterpiece or argue with people who think it’s

50s Batman comics would fall pretty squarely into the Silver age. The golden age is the 30s and 40s and would include the original appearance as well as the ones where he shoots people while Silver age would be about 50s and 60s, when he got very silly as they were trying harder to appeal to children. Then Bronze is

Rick and Morty is really just Harmons cry for help, it’s his Leaving Las Vegas :P

I think on some level Rick is who Harmon wants to be (at least with the confidence and everything always working out for him, but of course also not shying away from the horrible aspects, as Harmon is a very clear case of clinical depression, substance abuse problems and very likely some form of bipolar disorder) and

You should probably check out more Coen Brothers films, hes constantly playing assholes and murderers in those. He played a serial killer in Barton Fink for crying out loud!

Yeah, that doesnt work though, bwcause the rest of the family is just as aware that their lives dont “matter” the same as Ricks does, Jerry is entirely aware that he is basically a microscopic insect in the grand scheme of the universe and the multiverse, and yet he still tries, he hasn’t completely given up like Rick

I was under the impression the next half of the season has already been shot and is just going to be released later like what theyre doing with Kimmy Schmidt


Did anyone else find it kind of refreshing to see Tobias displaying a degree of competence as an “analrapist” this episode? Like, he was still Tobias, but it was nice to be reminded that he was actually once a well respected licensed therapist who assumably had to work for a degree. Black people can also be racist for doing Blackface?

Harmon at least seems self aware enough to basically be depicting Rick as a character you shouldn’t idolize. I think the fact that there was an interview where he noted that Jerry was the guy who sort of had it figured out speaks to that. The whole show basically has Jerry on one end of the spectrum with Rick on the

George Sr. removes face revealing...Gene Parmesan!

Father time really had it’s way with him, he looks...unwell.

*Season One ends with doctor popping off daughters back revealing on/off switch* “Ah, see, there’s your problem right there. You had your daughter switched to ‘evil’ instead of ‘good’”

Well, yes, or like that movie Body Parts that the Simpson’s episode very well may have been inspired by, along with the classic Twilight Zone episode Dead Man’s Shoes, also a little bit of Christine thrown in there for good measure.

Lol, exactly, even if it ended up just being a tongue in cheek way to sort of address the behind the scenes stuff and giving Tambor an episode or two off before bringing him back would be hilarious.

How about you not read things into what I said just so you can pick a fight on the internet? I didnt once call for Tambor to be fired, I am aware that Hurwitz and many others are supporting him, and I think that’s cool, I also think it’s a genuine possibility that behind the scenes drama and controversy could

It just now occurred to me that if going forward for further seasons, if they wanted to get rid of Jeffrey Tambor they could have a joke that he underwent plastic surgery to shave off decades from his life, and is now just played by Seth Rogan, or they could have any number of other actors play him, this would also