The character in the comic is white and British, also who gives a shit?
The character in the comic is white and British, also who gives a shit?
Gonna be kind of hard to get there considering they already killed off the main villain of that arc
This article massively simplifies and just flat out gets several aspects of the premise wrong, The Boys are not hitmen, they are government employed spooks with the express purpose of keeping superheroes in line and if need be “taking care” of them when they go too far. A lot of the conflict in the series comes from…
Benicio Del Toro would be the main villain, he answers to Helen Mirren, Donald Glover fills the John Rhys Davies role and Andy Daly plays as comic relief professor at the university who is also bafflingly incompetent and gets shown up by Indy
The best Gin is any, even that Gin Rummy box I ate that one time.
The correct answer is Jessica Chastain. Judy Greer can play her Shortround esque sidekick and Channing Tatum should be an airheaded musclehead who is completely incompetent and needs to get his ass pulled out of the fire repeatedly over the course of the film, he’d also be using his Southern accent from Logan Lucky.
Oh god, stop, all this talk of gin is making me really want to get some gin, and it’s not my cheat day yet.
A Martini also has Vermouth, but yeah, It’s not a particularly difficult drink to make, a Moscow Mule is probably more complicated if only because you have to squeeze in the lime juice
I never viewed those shorts like that, in my mind they work because the character has been reverted into “lovable asshole” mode. He’s infinitely more self centered and mean than he has ever been outside of the early shorts where he would beat the crap out of farm animals just for the fun of it
What’s a battle?
It’s also fucking hilarious and adds extra humor to the already hilarious Swedish Chef segments on The Muppet Show, because you don’t just have the character and his skits which are some of the best in the show, you also have the added layer of slapstick that comes from a character who does not seem to have proper…
Jesus, they picked literally one of the worst possible songs from Fleetwood Mac’s catalog to illustrate their point (in case my wording isn’t clear, the song is fine, just terrible for the argument being made)
I know jack shit about British politics and I still absolutely loved The Thick Of It. You really only need a basic understanding of bureaucratic incompetence to get most of the jokes. There is also that other layer though where a lot of the stuff they’re parodying or paying homage to was distinctly British though.
What in the hell is a Cardi B and why are we all talking like we know what it is?
pffft if we’re going just by episode numbers, fucking One Piece, Detective Conan and Dragon Ball have it beat as well (In Japan Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z are just different seasons of the same show)
I guess I probably should have said everything BEFORE Mystery Incorporated could really only aspire to mediocrity, I’ve heard nothing but good things about the stuff that’s been coming out since the show basically reinvigorated the franchise by turning what was an exhausted and tired relic from the 70's into something…
Um, longest running scripted AMERICAN TV show of all time. There’s stuff in Japan that’s been running since the 60s, and probably some other stuff from other countries that fits the criteria as well (is there a reason we aren’t counting soap operas? Don’t those have scripts?).
“I know what I’m talking about! I played a politician on TV!”
It’s called a joke idiot
I have bad news, those “friends” reviving the account are Jeremy Piven and Jeffrey Tambor...