
You mean like by actually releasing the original content in a form that fans can actually view it? Because Disney crapped out on the Muppet show DVD collections after season 2, and every other Jim Henson show they own has never even seen a home media release and aren’t streaming in any form causing out of print or

burn him!!!!!!

um, The Jason Segel penned movie and its sequel were great 

Well there seems to have been a misunderstanding then, because I also loved that movie and it’s sequel, the television sitcom was also called just “The Muppets” and I was not a fan

If your old criticism was in the comments section of this site, I was probably the one talking with you about it.

Is hyperbole a foreign language to you? We’re on the internet, home of highly opinionated, sweeping statements with no merit or basis in reality.

One of my all time favorite Muppet jokes, and maybe one of my favorite jokes in a movie ever, is in the Great Muppet Caper when two random people walk past Kermit in the park and the girl says “Look, a bear” and the guy replies “Don’t be silly dear, bears wear hats.” There’s fucking layers to that joke, and it

Then don’t have the suicide scene in the last episode, start the stupid fucking thing with that scene, then flash forward. Don’t show her stupid cartoon revenge plot play out perfectly for 12 episodes before stripping the artifice away.

If anyone wants to see a truly great depiction of suicidal thoughts in a piece of media based on a YA novel, you should absolutely check out It’s Kind Of A Funny Story. The main plot is pretty contrived, feel good coming of age fluff, but it’s the depiction of suicidal tendencies by Zach Galifanakis of all people that

Except it really, really isn’t. I’ll admit there are some solid jokes going on, but it just wasn’t The Muppets, it didn’t have the anarchic, vaudevillain, batshit insane energy the Muppets should have. Where were the random explosions? Where were the absurd one off jokes? The fourth wall breaking meta humor? The

I feel like there was a bunch of stuff that Del Toro probably wanted to put into the movie that the studio said no to. I love the idea of the main character suffering PTSD because he had a mental link with his brother while he was being ripped to shreds. The movie just kind of glosses over that really intriguing idea

Fucking exactly! So what if it was used to cover up holes in the CGI budget? It looked fucking spectacular and had an atmospheric quality none of these other blockbuster films could ever hope to have, the cityscapes shrouded in darkness permeated by the neon glow of city lights and the machinery and biological

I can dig it, I had a similar thing with a comic book called Transmetropolitan, its probably my favorite comic series, and it was the first comic I read where I realized comics could be anything. Its also batshit insane. I also wasn’t too big on Bebop until I finished it, I think Samurai Champloo is the better show by

Certainly, was just tossing it into the very vague box of “weird pretty much for the sake of being weird” along with FLCL

I see a lot of “I like you just the way you are” in stuff like Steven Universe, although it seems to have moved away from the initial core, it still retains the idea that the protagonist, Steven, can’t really do anything competently, at least not as competently as the badass warrior women he lives with, but he keeps

Also I didn’t know it was only six episodes (I think I lasted maybe the first 3 episodes and my friend skipped through the rest to highlight certain scenes for me) I think that technically makes it an OVA since it’s not the standard 12 episode production order most shows get (which are then often expanded to 24

Most modern shows only have 12 episode seasons, its the massively popular ones that go on forever and ever, so like I presumed it was for many people, yourself included, one of the first shows that introduced you to the fact that anime is a medium and not a genre and can tell literally any kind of story. I’ve talked

Thats a good point and well said, I just remember a lot of stuff from my childhood that was extremely well animated but was absolutely horrible in every other conceivable way (I’m looking at you, latter day Don Bluth movies!) This isn’t to say I devalue art, only that along with comic books (another obsession of mine)

Professor Farnsworth’s pet gargoyle?

Sesame Street?