
Darkman’s enhanced strength and reflexes don’t come from his rage and unchecked emotions, they come from the groundbreaking surgery the hospital staff did to try and restore his muscles, nerves, and tendons to allow him to move his body, the nerve damage is also why he can’t feel pain.

The thing with most long running manga is that they’re basically the meal ticket for the creators (and their assistants) they also feel indebted to fans who love and support the series, so a lot of super popular series end up continuing long after the initial spark of creativity has faded and the well of ideas has run

Giant cockroaches on mars and the expendable people with bug powers who are going to war with them for the fate of humanity. Its incredibly melodramatic, but goddamn it it works

Fair enough, I haven’t seen many of the lesser know Gundam series, so I was being intentionally hyperbolic, mainly to disparage Wing.

Didn’t the Kenshin OVAs come out in the 2000s long after the show had wrapped? Also yes, G Gundam, the intentionally over the top, bombastic saturday morning cartoon style antidote to the grim (for a childrens show) proceedings of the original series. It also had some interesting ideas that gave it depth in the way

Lol, sorry, thought you were brushing off the medium by calling it a “genre” implying they’re all basically similar.

Lol, yupp, it’s why the horror comedy novel I’ve been writing in between bouts of depression and suicidal urges is about two mentally ill childhood friends going on a road trip and falling in love. I mean, yes there is a prophecy involving an ancient god of destruction, a doomsday cult, a serial killer named Tahoe Joe

*medium, it’s a medium, like comic books. They can be about literally anything.

No it hasn’t, you’re just watching shitty ones. There’s a Junji Ito anthology show airing RIGHT NOW, we’re living in a golden age.

One Punch Man, like nearly every single anime, but especially comedy series works about a trillion times better in the original Japanese with subtitles, for some reason the English cast on these types of shows assume because it’s a comedy it demands over the top mugging performances, making the humor hacky and

Wing is terrible, G Gundam and 79 are the only Gundams worth a damn, and Bebop, while good pales in comparison to Samurai Champloo which had tighter plots and stronger characterizations and character beats

You just described every single Gainax show ever made

Terraformars stayed depressing, but Americans don’t care for it the way Japan does

Sword Art Online is dumb, so is Chobits (Although Chobits is really fun to riff on, since it’s about a guy who wants to fuck a computer that’s also a woman, but he never can because her reset switch is located in her vagina, yes, that’s really what it’s about)

First off, that’s not how depression works, people with clinical depression aren’t depressed all the goddamn time, it’s not something he would pick up on in a single day, also 1 in 3 people is affected by some form of mental illness, I call bullshit that the character hadn’t experienced something similar beforehand.

Just because he got from point a to point b in a more competent manner, he was still a piece of shit who spent his money on, among other things, solid gold underpants

I wasn’t taking issue with them not explaining it, just that there’s a lot of meat to that premise that I can’t fathom being fully explored or hinted at within the confines of a teen romance story. The best thing about sci-fi is the questions it makes the reader ask, or the conclusions the reader comes to with what

Ethical issues that would be amazing if explored in a novel that doesn’t have “Young Adult Romance” slapped onto it. I’m trying to imagine how great such a premise could be if written by a more classical sci-fi style writer, something in the vein of Bradbury or Matheson’s “meddling kids” we’ve been over this already. Your mother and I aren’t mad, just disappointed.

He wandered in drunk from Jezebel