
Nah, Lobo could be good if they did it like Deadpool. Venom on the other hand has never been interesting outside of the initial 25 issues featuring Flash Thompson as Venom

Actually Lobo wasn’t originally a parody at all. He was a minor villain character in Marv Wolfman’s Omega Men who nobody was using that alan Grant and Kieth Giffen decided to re-purpose as a parody. Very similar to Deadpool’s origins, although the Lobo stories don’t really even attempt to make Lobo sympathetic.

Yeah, The Grant, Giffen, Bisley et al run was basically a balls-to-the-wall satire of macho meathead tough guy characters. We’ve already seen how well that turns out with Bay behind the wheel with Pain and Gain (answer: not good)

That would pretty much guarantee that the movie would suck, charismatic as the Rock is, most of his movies are...not good

I like it , but not as much as I’d like Channing Tatum for He-man with Terry as Man-at-arms, and let’s say...Patton Oswalt for Orko

It didn’t stop him from saying the same shit about the Hulk’s cousin, She-Hulk

Sony you stupid fucks! Scrap whatever the hell Goyer wrote, hire Channing Tatum and get Lord and Miller to make the fucking movie already!

Ha! I mean, probably. This kind of thing happens a lot, my favorite instance of someone returning to a property that made them famous and subsequently seeing what they can get away with is probably Thomas Harris’ last two Hannibal Lecter books, which are completely fucking insane. Harris said the only reason he wrote

Wait...what? I just watched the movie in December, I don’t remember that scene.

Bronco Billy. The answer is Bronco fucking Billy, that movie is such a fucking mess it should be featured on “How Did This Get Made?”

Ah come on, Changeling was legitimately great, and the sole work in Angelina Jolie’s entire filmography in which she actual shows she can act apart from Girl Interrupted.

I’m not sure that Eastwood could ever make another film as bad as whatever the hell Bronco Billy was...although then he made Bridges Over Madison County which was arguably even worse, if only because Bronco Billy was actually sporadically entertaining (Bridges is a better acted and made film, but goddamn is it ever

Gremlins 2 is a brilliant piece of satire of not just Gremlins, but of sequels in general. It basically did stuff that 22 Jump Street was hailed for 20+ years earlier (albeit not nearly as clever, but then few things are). I love little things in the movie that show that Dante really didn’t give a shit about making a

While I agree, a lot of the stories listed in the article are just as awful, and that didn’t stop film and television makers from turning them into salacious lifetime movies of the week. I’m betting it’s likely a case of not being able to secure the rights to her likeness, brand and story more than the people who make

They convicted Petersen with a hair? Didn’t John Oliver just do a piece about how hair based forensics are bullshit? Not saying he didn’t do it, but that’s pretty flimsy evidence for a smoking gun. Also I think they could probably get some mileage about the murder of Selena, I guess it didn’t make the list because her

So I just found out that Manny Perry, the actor who played Big Jim Slade was a well respected stuntman and stunt coordinator, who among other things was a stunt double for Lou Ferrigno on the Incredible Hulk TV show

I still get a kick out of when the skits converge during the climax of a Fistful of Yen and Big Jim Slade busts in and starts kicking ass and freeing the prisoners.

Haven’t had a mainstream impact, but within the comics community the New God’s and Kirby’s Fourth World are much, much more highly esteemed and beloved than any of the ones you mention. You don’t hear people who actually read comics talking about how great Stan Lee’s writing was on his Marvel books, while anything

Wait, what the fuck happened to John Teti? Has he been fired?

meh, all the good commercials will go viral, so I’ll probably just do what I do most weekends, watch cartoons in my underpants while consuming junk food