“If carrots got you high, rabbits would be fucked up”
“If carrots got you high, rabbits would be fucked up”
That was The Tyger a one-shot Ennis wrote
Not to be a nitpicker or like I have any problem with you making the joke, but I personally would have found it funnier if it was that they’d punch him in the face. Stabbing took the joke to a darker place. Although I may just still be thinking about the Horror/Awesomeness of Red Letter Media watching that edged…
Papdopolous? Why would he hire Big Bird’s imaginary friend?
According to the new book, none of them actually had any jobs apart from “appease the senile lunatic in the oval office”
I would actually totally watch an anime about American politics
Didn’t find anything worth making a fuss over
Ugh, Spitting image...those goddamn puppets are what nightmares are made from
Finally! A show that charts the career of Chi McBride! ...What do you mean that’s not what it’s about?!
That would be some solid anti-comedy right there, it just ends up reaching the point where the original show was and keeps going with a different cast
Because its made by and for people who grew up in the 50s so the 80s became the 50s
I think the show would work better as a comedy if it actually leaned into the characters unlikable qualities. Make them all petty, spiteful bastards who secretly hate each other and barely try to hide it. As it is the concept doesn’t work as a comedy, and that only serves to highlight the other problems with the show.…
My favorite gag is the parody of the “two dates on the same night” sitcom trope with a joke where Bush quickly changes out of his suit and tie...into an identical suit and tie
This also reminds me of a joke in a comic strip I made for a high school project in which a throwaway gag was the existence a channel known as the Ed channel, a channel whose programming consisted solely of the 1996 Matt Leblanc vehicle Ed. In which a chimpanzee plays baseball and hijinks apparently ensue.
This article was at least 3 paragraphs too long, you’re no O’neil, Hughes
This just made me realize that an HR Pufnstuf reboot that’s a flat out horror film would be way too effective
The best Punisher series in existence is almost entirely divorced from mainstream Marvel comics, The largely Garth Ennis pinned Punisher MAX which plays out more like a fucked up character study of a lunatic who can no longer face the world without murdering criminals
That was actually a scene from the comics, so blame Chuck Dixon
“Why would I be standing near any large magnets?”
Isn’t everyone in A.I.M. dressed like a beekeeper? I thought that was like, their uniform. Even the A.I.M. accounts and HR departments probably dress like beekeepers. MODOK probably would too if they could find a suit that actually fit him