
That is a good point, although given the nature of the forest they probably wouldn’t look to far into it, especially since a lot of them write notes that they keep on them as well as other forms of identification. The point remains that this jackass shouldn’t have been galavanting around the forest with a camera

The 16 was a case of the North American distributor fucking up a pretty great system, the 16 was the unit released in America and had only a fraction of what was probably the best 16 bit game library in existence. The problem is that basically all the best games for the format were only ever released in Japan or

Someday soon the only new music releases will be King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard

Saw them perform? Or like, you just saw them at a mall food court eating panda express?


While I am technically a dad, I’m only 25, so I refuse to accept that the greatest living rock/folk performer counts as “dad rock” I mean what the fuck even is rock these days? It doesn’t exist any more. Everything is rock adjacent, but its not pure Rock and Roll. So then all actual Rock music would be “dad rock” at

God I miss NERD era Pharrell, I’m glad he’s finally achieved mainstream success, but the music has really suffered as a result IMO

Dorky stuff is what Nerdcore is for, every mainstream hip hop artist I’ve heard who isn’t named Kid Cudi in the past 5-10 years has been horrible, all the people actually doing interesting stuff with the genre get covered under the landfill that is people like Kanye’s massively inflated ego. I like Cudi though because

I feel bad for people who want such a pathetic loser for a dad, even before the allegations he was Jerry from Rick and Morty levels of pathetic (and I say that while believing that Jerry is secretly the heart and soul of the show)

I don’t think the police actually handle aokigahara, there are volunteer cleanup crews who often get the bodies down or move them, usually with a buddhist present to perform rights and they do the job of identifying the dead person and reporting it to the authorities, the problem is so prevalent in just that one spot

That’s basically the premise of Rob Huebbels YouTube show. The first episode was free and pretty funny, but not enough to make me want to pay for YouTube’s stupid streaming platform

They played ads for the show almost nonstop and even had ads playing in front of movies in theaters. It seemed very much like the marketing team and the people at ABC were hoping it would draw in the Desperate Housewives crowd, which at the time was one of their only hits. From what I remember most of the ads seemed

It’s usually stupid young people who appeal to even younger, stupider people. Who end up making millions of dollars for acting young and stupid and posting it on the internet. Statistically speaking, most of them would obviously end up being garbage.

Meh, he told him to rot in hell, he didn’t say anything about when or threaten or wish bodily harm on him. We all die eventually.

You mean the show that seemed to be getting marketed as “Desperate Housewives but they’re stewardesses”?

I love everything about that performance so it was hard to just single out the accent. Personally my favorite (and there are so many wonderful ones to choose from) is whatever the hell he was going for in the underappreciated Schwarzenegger throwback The Last Stand. The accent really is something else, to the point I

Also just noticed the fuzzy dice hanging in the cockpit, which is a solid visual gag. So well-played, show I’ve already forgotten the name of and don’t feel like scrolling up to write the proper nomenclature of. Well played.

Bonus points if he’s doing a nonsensical accent!

Dylan McDermott seems to be doing his best Kevin Durand cosplay in that header pic (specifically Kevin Durand from The Strain for those keeping score at home)

I doubt anyone involved is smart enough to even consider that