
It’s too bad Clive Warren isn’t in more films... ;)

Oh the nihilism bit wasn’t intended as a put down of the show (although it has kept me from enjoying the show on a number of occasions, but that’s just me) There probably aren’t enough shows that are willing to just wallow in how fucking horrible people can be (It’s how great drama is created) so I do appreciate it’s

I made the exact same comment, and I was only a day late in my observation!

I wonder if Karl Pilkington got a story credit on this considering the “Spouse puts comatose spouses mind into their own” concept was his idea for a movie that he pitched on The Ricky Gervais Show

Except Rod Serling actually injected concepts like “hope” and “optimism” into a lot of the Twilight Zone. Black Mirror is Twilight Zone if Rod Serling was a nihilist who felt we were all doomed

10 million merits made me smile, even though if you think about it, it’s probably the most potentially bleak ending out of all of them. With the protagonist betraying everything that mattered to him to just become another cog in the machine, trading in his little box for a bigger, nicer box. I still wanted to feel

Tends to rely more heavily on stories centered around things that could believably exist in the not so distant future, which gives it a social commentary/satire element that was more prevalent in Twilight Zone than Outer Limits. Several episodes seem to have been written by looking at a current technology or trend and

It’s also worth noting that the stories tend to be incredibly bleak, even by anthology show standards. I’ve kept from watching the show in anything other than small doses just because it tends to be so psychologically and emotionally draining. They seem to be doing more hopeful or less overwhelmingly nihilistic

Sure you can, you just can’t invent it

In Utah we could be land pirates!

Maybe if we just isolate the rich people in the cities they’ll all turn on each other like in High Rise (the book and the movie)

It’ll basically be that comedy film Day without a Mexican but in real life and less culturally insensitive

Here comes your Guy?

I mean, pee smells, but from your junk to the bowl it doesn’t even register, it’s when the urine festers that it starts to stink up the place. Most nice bathrooms don’t reek of piss, conversely dirty bathrooms do because people have peed on the floor or some other surface. Also I haven’t taken antibiotics in years

Meh, didn’t feel like being lewd beyond using the word piss. It didn’t aid what I was saying in any real way. So I said that instead

So you’re saying it was a year long gas leak situation? 

Are you serious? He looks like a dope in every one of those screen grabs, I actually laughed out loud at these :)

We should just make a new city in one of the garbage states, there’s a lot of land in Utah for instance, or we could just become pirates and live on the sea and take what we need from those rich landlubbers!

What are you putting in your body that you can smell your own piss while peeing into a urinal? Or is this a thing short people just have to contend with? My nose is at least 3 feet away from the part that pees and I have never had the smell of my own urine waft up from a urinal

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