I for one am outraged that this new Thor is a man
I for one am outraged that this new Thor is a man
Clifford Meth has been trying for like a decade and a half to get his screenplay produced for this incredibly obscure and confusing superhero story Cockrum did for the 9th issue of the early 80s Marvel Graphic Novel one shot series. He’s had essentially no success because, Cockrum’s strong costume design aside, the…
No one is going to beat Wonder Woman and Batgirl and Harley Quinn.
Skipped over all the spoilers to say I’ve been listening to the audiobooks for Dark Tower and related Stephen King novels on the walk into and home from work each day since like September. Currently in the last few hours of Black House and then on to the final novel. While some of the novels have been less than…
They will see it, just in a few years.
We’re picky about the PG-13 shows we let them watch. Generally, they are only the superhero movies or YA dystopian future movies. But we monitor for excess violence or steamy scenes, like in Divergent. I wish we didn’t have to do that
And Wonder Woman is PG-13, IE intended for people 13 and up? What’s your point?
Correct. And the social commentary, and references to premarital sex, and any instance where someone takes the lord’s name in vain and so on
Because, like I said, this isn’t happening in a vacuum. Sony didn’t decide to start releasing altered versions of films simply because they thought “ok, maybe there is money to make here” no matter how the media is reporting on it. This is happening when in the background well funded religious interest groups are…
For me the difficult ones were when I was in Kindergarten through maybe 2nd grade and there were a bunch of cartoons explicitly for kids I wasn’t allowed to watch that my friends loved. GI Joe was the big one, but I remember there being a lot of back and forth about whether I could watch Ninja Turtles. My mother was…
This isn’t happening in a vacuum. This is happening in response to pressure from evangelical lobbying groups. There’s a history of lawsuits and controversy here
Except back in our day there were also a lot of movies out there that kids thought were really cool that most of our parents wouldn’t let us watch too. I mean I wasn’t allowed to see any of the Robocop films or Terminator 2 when they came out, even though some of the other kids at school saw them and loved them and…
Thing is that it isn’t actually about making R rated movies appropriate for 5 year olds, although it is being painted that way by the media for some reason. The “clean” movie movement is an evangelical thing. Like content producers have had to sue religious types for trying to start companies that distribute films…
They don’t need to make that, it’s probably already on the internet.
Look, I understand that waiting to grow up to see films made for older audiences is frustrating for kids and can consequently produce a headache for adults, but that is nothing new. It was true when I was coming up and my folks wouldn’t let me see everything I wanted to see right away. Calling for movies to be aged…
I don’t really understand why nobody is calling Sony out on this along secular grounds. At least in the coverage I read. We are a secular nation and the market for “clean” cuts of films is largely religious extremists and evangelicals who want to impose their morality and interpretation of the law on the rest of us…
I don’t think it is that the director has to explicitly sign off on every edit of the film. I think it is more that the director traditionally has the right to object to an edit
Marvel’s original Living Mummy stories in Supernatural Thrillers were actually fairly decent. The story from that issue for example was written by Steve Gerber and illustrated by Val Mayerik, whose more famous collaboration was creating Howard the Duck in Man-Thing. Tony Isabella took over the writing after this issue…
I’m a little bummed that they’re sort of leaving the horror out of these too and turning them into more like superhero action films. I think there’s a lot of hay to be made from the idea of a more horror and suspense focused shared universe and it would definitely be an interesting project for Universal to try to make…
Sanders is popular because people like him on the issues. He wins on both those fronts, so there must be another reason he lost the primary