
Oof. Those comments were a painful reminder of how far behind the curve even we the “liberal” bulk of kinja commenters are. So many people claiming to support the rights of trans people but also claiming that trans women aren’t women. I agree it wasn’t just the trolls. Seemed like Adichie’s comments were taken by a

to me trolling is about drawing an emotional response from people whereas bigots like King really want to kick non-white people out. And how they should be engaged is very different

Well, I am fairly confident that this crowd kind of wishes they didn’t exist either so...

I almost wonder if a better test would be just to boil them in water

 I think you don’t understand. It isn’t actually that they don’t want trans people peeing in certain bathrooms, it is that they secretly wish trans people didn’t exist at all

These are the answers of a man who does not fear justice

Except that’s never been how it works. Historically, most intersex people have been assigned a gender at birth by their doctors and/or parents. Doctors and parents have often chosen a gender for their child; sometimes based on anatomy, but also sometimes based entirely on preference; after delivery and performed

Anybody who thinks this white manbaby is going to be held accountable for anything he does simply hasn’t been paying attention for the past few decades

I first started watching Buffy when season 2 started to run with my sister and my mother. Its sort of surprising to me thinking back that my mother watched with us because she is pretty disinterested in any type of genre stuff. Probably she just thought of it as a chance to spend time with her kids, like when I’d get

Several months back, I had a crazy dream that some friends and I found a tunnel to the afterlife and became lost, chased by goblins and spirits and wolves and monsters. It was a harrowing, nightmarish anxiety dream that seemed to go on forever. Shortly before I finally woke up, we were surrounded by a half circle of

good luck getting anybody to buy that

Hey, don’t forget Sweden. They didn’t ban Muslims and look what’s happening there now:

I am so excited, I’m sneaking out of work early to go see this

A person directly interfered with another persons legal right to protest in a public space through assault and theft.

Or maybe that’s just what they want you to believe...

Well yeah, but it would more be based on the speed of the rotation and thickness of the disc. If you hold a coin up with a light source on one side and shadow on the other and flip it slowly in your hand, there are brief moments where part of, say the heads side, are in shadow/dimmer than others. The edge of the disc

“That’s where we start, because this game isn’t about us creating characters and imposing them on you. This game is about you. And so what kind of warrior are you, right? You can change the skin color of your Vikings, too. You want to have a black Viking? Knock yourself out. It’s who are you. I want you to be

Oh that’s a good point, hadn’t considered that a flat earth wouldn’t be completely flat. I guess I’m looking at this penny I’m holding up to the window and thinking that the light does move across it as I flip it in my fingers, so it is possible for part of the heads side to be in the light from the window and part

That’s really interesting to think about. Am I wrong in thinking that it wouldn’t be at the exact same time, but that it would be so quick as to be the same for most practical purposes?

I think the point is that when you live in a world where the powers that be tell you that racism is all in your head, and you know they are wrong, then why would you assume they are right about anything you can’t immediately and easily observe for yourself on a daily basis?