If you’re ever travelling and your hotel is full of Russian tourists, change hotels.
If you’re ever travelling and your hotel is full of Russian tourists, change hotels.
Is anybody happy with Joseph Fiennes portrayal of Michael Jackson though?
The idea of someone giving Jeff Sessions the D is pretty unsettling. I guess I shouldn’t yuck anyone’s yum though.
It’s how the tea party fought. They rose to prominence largely by disrupting town hall meetings and all sorts of hearings. Of course it helped that their views were sympatico with the corporate class
lol, k.
lol, k.
It’s plastic, and it will eventually break
I kind of want to publish a version that’s actually a collection of writings by Sylvia Rivera, fragments of Obama’s Dreams From My Father and selections from the Koran and see if anybody notices
It’s an audiobook version Steve Bannon and Putin had commissioned for him for his birthday a couple years back. Rush Limbaugh did the vocal work.
Nice write up, I really liked the comparison to poetry. That said, this line at the beginning got me thinking:
I think they are actually fairly confident and have good reason to be. Keep in mind that they now control all branches of government. Which means that here isn’t anyone out there to oppose the gerrymandering and voter suppression they’ve been engaging in to keep their regressive dinosaur party afloat for the past…
Yeah, but without corruption these idiots won’t get anything done. If they don’t have the oil industry or big pharma and agriculture to tell them what bills to propose and measures to support, they’d be completely lost. It’s not like they have any ideas of their own
I’m actually all for this.
Ok ladies, Chird says there is no pain like getting kicked in the balls. So next time a dude repeatedly touches you without your consent and goes out of his way to humiliate you, jam something underneath his fingernails, put your thumb in his eye, cut off a limb. Waterboard that MFer. Chird says all of those things…
Definitely true. I know that sense of panic really well and I guess in retrospect I love/hated it. The fact that in the beginning a death could be a huge deal was a big motivator for a lot of the crazy social interactions and conflicts. The fact that dying could wipe out so much progress discouraged players from…
It’s funny, I think your experience demonstrates how much things have changed with perception of what an online game can and should be.
Aww, cool. For some reason it reminds this old gamer of virtually drinking and chatting in the Serpents Cross Tavern on the Atlantic Shard in UO as a kid. Just a cool community thing players put together for themselves.